I have backed up my entire movie collection to discs using Clone DVD/AnyDVD. I purchased a D-Link Media Lounge and now I want to play the files created by Clone DVD on my hard disk using the Media Lounge. According to D-Link tech support, Clone DVD re-encodes the files with a proprietary encoder which is not compatible with Media Lounge. D-Link says the decoders they include are not compatible with Clone DVD. Under what circumstances does Clone DVD re-encode the files? Always? Only when you shrink a DVD down fit on a single layer disc? I need to end up with an industry standard single mpg file. I've tried running AnyDVD and then using DVD Decrypter with no options to detect/replace/repair anything (because it is out of date)to create a single .vob file. This didn't work and I don't understand why it wouldn't. Then I tried renaming the .vob to a .mpg file. This didn't work either. I tired using AnyDVD by itself and simply using the copy/binary command to copy the .vob's into a single .vob file, like "copy/b vts_01_1.vob+vts_01_2.vob+vts_01_3.vob singlefile.mpg" This didn't seem to work either and again I don't understand why it wouldn't work. What happens is that during playback on the Media Lounge the audio and video freeze. The network diode keeps flashing indicating that it is still receiving data. Sometimes after I leave it for awhile, it starts to play again with out any intervention on my part. Sometimes it doesn't. If I replay the same movie file over and over again, it freezes at different spots. Does anyone have any ideas on what might be wrong or how I should reprocess all of my files so they work with my Media Lounge? I sincerely appreciate your help!
Are you sure your problem isn't just a wireless (bandwidth/reception) problem? If the titles play and then freeze, it doesn't sound like an encoding problem, else they wouldn't play at all. I've never had any luck with D-Link products so it wouldn't surprise me if their product doesn't work well. I've never had any luck with their tech support either. Does this happen when playing an original commercial DVD as well? If it does, then the problem is with d-link. If an original DVD plays OK then it may have something to do with their media player and the encoding in a file.
I'm not using wireless. I have it hooked up to my Netgear switch on a 100 mb port. It can use wireless, but I wanted to make sure that bandwidth wasn't the issue too. The movies are on external disks connected to my computer with a USB2 interface. I was using the Firewire 800 interface and switched them to the USB2 because I didn't know if the Firewire interface wasn't working right. But switching had no effect on the problem. I just processed a completely different movie. I just used AnyDVD to rip it directly to my hard disk. Then I ran those files through VOB Blanker. Clone DVD wasn't used at all. I tried to play the .vob files from VOB Blanker using the Media Lounge and the audio and video froze. Then I copy/b'd all the vob's together into a single file, renamed it to .mpg and played it using the Media Lounge and it froze in the same spot as the .vob file I played earlier. It wouldn't seem like it has anything at all to do with what codec Clone DVD is using. My Media Lounge has a DVD player built in and all of the Clone DVD copies play just fine. Commercial DVDs play just fine in it as well. Very few of the movies I've ripped to my hard drive play all the way through without freezing up. Almost all of them freeze up. All of the .mpg files play just fine with media player 10. And all of the .vob files play just fine with VLC Media Player.
Hi, Make sure you are using the latest version of Anydvd. I'm assuming you use the option: Rip DVD to hard disk - by moving the mouse on the fox in the task bar.
Seems like the d-link product is at fault to me. If all the files play correctly with other software then what else can be concluded. Does it stream music OK? Pictures? Do you have any AVIs or divXs you DLed from the net? Do they play OK? Are there any files on your HDD that play correctly with the d-link product? Is it possible that Media Lounge doesn't play standard DVD files but only converted ones? What does the documentation say? I found a link on the 'net that says that ML won't handle standard AC-3 encoded audio video files from a DVD. http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/forums/printthread.php?t=996 If not, call d-link back and don't tell them you have any Clone stuff (that just gives them an excuse to get rid of you) and that nothing plays correctly except DVDs. Hopefully you'll get bumped up a level or two of support. The first level won't likely be much help. You can always ask to be bumped up as well.