Problem using Shrink and Convertx

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by Whoozits, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Whoozits

    Whoozits Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    I've been using these programs for several years now with no problems. I've always used Athlon based computers, and my first one (I think it was a 1200) was slow, but problem free. Each year I get a faster computer, and run problem free. I just got a 5200 Dual core. Rip it for me (DVD Decryptor) will rip the disc to my HD with no problem. When I run shrink, it gets anywhere from 20% to 40% and the computer shuts down. The same thing happens with Convertx. I've tried Win XP, Vista and Win 7, all with the same results. I have a MASSIVE CPU cooler, so don't think it's an overheating problem, especially when I can rip the disc 4 or 5 times, one right after the other.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Ripping the disk isn't the same as transcoding the video.
    One is quite sedate the other is CPU intensive.
    You can check the temperature of the cpu using a utility like Hmonitor to rule that out as a cause.

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