Hello, I have a question about burning a DVD. I have a DVD VCR recorder that I use to make DVD's for my church. After I burn one, and I make sure it is all well and done..it is finalizied, and I CAN play it on another machine I find I can not play it on my computer. I do have a DVD burner on my computer. But a friend of mine can play it on her computer, so I was wondering what might be wrong that I can not play on my computer. Can anyone tell me what might be my problem? I appariciate any help from anyone, Thank you very much.
It sounds like the dvd-rom on your burner doesn't recognize the backups from your stand alone tv recorder. Could be: 1)Format-which most stand alone dvd recorders-for the TV- are single format of dash or plus. Your pc drive may not like that format of dvd media. Switch to opposite format if possible. 2) The media you are using.Some crap media can wreck havoc on dvd drives during playback.Make sure you are using high quality blank media. 3) Burner quality- Some give a higher compatability rate,others poorer. Some may need updates,but not many available for stand alone recorders. Since your friend's pc recognizes it,see if he/she can rip it and make a copy of it. Then try your friends backup copy using your pc and other stand alone players. Some drives are picky even on certain burners backup copies. True for pc or stand alone burners. My stand alone tv recorder does have a lower compatability rate,compared to my 4 benq pc burners. What's the name and model # of your tv stand alone recorder? What's the name/model#/and firmware version of your pc burner. What's the brand name/format/and speed rate of your blank media? When it comes to reading dvd backups,other drives can have a harder time reading them. Being a stand alone recorder for the Tele,you may be limited to just a few options.