Hello Guys n Girls, Im new to all this downloading and burning of avi divx and xvid Movies....The problem i have is ive been using winavi 7.6 to encode all the movies ive downloaded to dvds But from time to time all some of the movies pause half way through or 10 mins from the end,Please can someone help me as ive come to a dead end!Ive try`d changing media and my burning speeds with no luck?!Ive even took back my pc to where i bought it from and made them change the dvd burner twice! Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Max res Avikiller P.s Ive just updated too winavi 7.7 still no luck.
Seems like you've covered the right bases, although it does sound like a media issue. You might want to try a 'Transfer Rate' test with Nero CD-DVD Speed with one of the problem burns and see if you get a nice clean read like this: You can get it here: http://www.cdspeed2000.com/ If your burner is reviewed here, you might get some help on media that works well. http://www.cdfreaks.com/article/search/B/ On a final note I've found ConvertXToDVD by VSO to be superior to WinAvi.