When i use Nero the video looks great ..but there are a few problems with the menu ... I then made a iso with image tool classic [ from the video files VTS_01 ect] and burnt with imgburn .Now the menu works perfect , but the video dosent look as good , it gets a little blurry in spots . I was suprised that the video didnt look as good , but i tried it with another movie [ single layer ] and the movie from the iso image didnt look as good . anyone know a method i can use to get the best video quality and a working menu ? I also made a iso with folder2iso .. the video looked the same as when i burnt the regular dvd files , but the menu was lost , it didnt show as a dvd on my standalone , but as single vob files , that i had to click on each individual file to watch .
@snake2005 On the few occasions I do dual layer I use decrypter to rip and burn. If you don't have it you can download it here: http://www.mrbass.org/dvdrip/ Rip in iso mode then write in iso picking the .mds file. I only use Verbatim's dual layer, keep my firmware up to date and burn at 2.4x.
sadly I dont own the original dvd .. It is a noncopyrighted dvd that i downloaded and it is about 8gbs .
Well snake there might be another option if your game - I always say I going to try it but never have so can't help you with it. But check out this forum on dvd rebuilder - it may help: http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/157 editted to add: you can try this prog with the copies you already have and see what happens