I have put several DVD labels on my backups and have had some problems with them playing in players that i have played them in before without labels please help anyone..... thanks everyone
Hi Kevin, As many others will tell you, the solution is...don't use labels! The best options are 1) a sharpie (my personal favorite) or 2) getting a printer that will print directly on the dvd's (have not tried this myself). The press-on labels are bad because if they are not put on EXACTLY right, they will throw off the spin of the disc or something like that, and you will have the problems you are having now. HTH, Nate
There is an orange base solvent called GOO GONE sold in almost every hardware store and chain store like Wal Mart that will remove the label without and damage to the DVD. Just wet the label well and let it soak in good. It should SLOWLY pull off. Any left over glue will rub off with a soft cloth and more GOO GONE. Jerry