Hi all I am having problems when I try to play back a ripped copy of a movie. The picture will freeze then it will go into big pixels and slowly move forward in the movie. Sometimes it will play fine others times it is "sketchy". I am using Maxell DVD+R's and ripping at 4x. I am using clonedvd+anydvd. Does anyone have a solution. It seems sometimes if I eject the disc from the standalone player and wipe it off, it will work. The other weird thing is that when I try to playback in the computer that I used to rip the movie, it plays fine. Is it my DVD player(standalone)? cause I have tried it in other standalones at my house and does the same thing. PLease help me!!
Several tips.... -Try DVD-R media instead of DVD+R. -Try a different brand of DVD. I prefer FUJIFILM but most people say Verbatim is the best. -Try burning at a lower speed. -(this one is important)DO NOT do ANYTHING else on your computer while you are backing up your movies. -(important too)Close any and all unneeded programs before you begin. (check the system tray and task manager) Also you might want to try some different programs. I find a combination of DVDFAB decrypter, DVDdecrypter, and DVDshrink are all that I need to back up almost any movie. Good luck! FALSE