Hi there I buy dvd+rw disc's...i buy a box of them with 5 in a box. now..it seems that .. 2 out of 5 of the dvd+rw"s...always seem to tell me there is an erorr calibration 3 to 4 of them always work and burn great...even after eraseing them after 7 times...or i can burn once on the dvd+rw....then thats it..it keeps telling me there is a calibration error, when i try to erase it..or burn with the disc again again..this only happens to about 1 or 2 per box of 5...is this normal with dvd+rw?....i have no problem with dvd+r's thx for any help bob is there a reason why
That maybe due to bad media. What is the brand of your DVD-RW's? Try using some official brands, that are guaranteed to work.
Hey Guys :O)) I have tried Memorex...sony..and verbatim.....all the same problem.....but if i burn permenately..to a dvd+r....i have no problems....it's weird.....i use nero ultra to burn,but only with the dvd+rw....1 0r 2 disc's dont work....the rest work great....sometimes...a dvd+rw, will burn a movie, but after i try to erase it..or burn another movie on to it...a window will come up and say calibration failure i'm stumped bob
When you burn a dvd the burner writes information to the inner edge of the disc and then trys to read it back in order to adjust the power of the laser. It sounds like the burner is unable to read the information back so therfore it can not calibrate the burn. This could be the sign of a failing drive, but since it only does this to RW it could be because RW discs are less reflective than +R disc making them hard to read. What type of burner do you have and do you have the latest Firmware installed. (Hope this makes since, kind of hard for me to explain)
thx for the help kbm :O)) i have no idea what this means, but here are the specs you asked for samsung dvd-rom SD-616T NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A 128mb ddr ati radeon 9700tx but how come this happens to only 1 0r 2 discs, in a box...3 or 4 of the dvd+rw, work great..thx again for any help bob
sorry kbm...i dont know what firmware is my puter is a dell...xp windows...p4...2.66GHz 120GB ultraATA/100 hard drive (whatever that is ..lol) 16x dvd-rom drive
http://www.herrie.org/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=30#cat This is the link for the latest firmware.Also check this page out and readaround. http://forum.rpc1.org/portal.php Firmware In a DVD recorder, firmware is the programming instructions contained on a ROM chip within the CD recorder which tell the recorder how to respond to commands issued by software. Some firmware is flash-upgradeable, meaning that you can upgrade the firmware by running a piece of software on the computer attached to the recorder. Other firmware is coded into non-rewriteable chip, so the entire chip must be changed in order to upgrade the firmware.