I'm tryin to use DVD shrink, and when I go to open disc, it says "DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. Invalid DVD navigation structure." So I tried copying the movie to my harddrive first. after that I went back to DVD Shrink and went to open files and then I got this, "DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. Failed to open file C:\Geisha\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB. The system cannot find the file specified." I have no idea what to do, if anyone has had this problem or can help, please do thanks
Your DVD may be copy-protected.Use DVD Decrypter to decrypt the movie(getting rid of all the protections),it will automatically back up the movie in your hard disk,then you just use DVD Shrink as you used to do. If DVD Decrypter can't do the job,because of newer protections,then use DVDFABDecrypter which is well-known for decrypting even the newest movies.After decrypting,same as for DVD Decrypter,the decrypted movie will be saved in your hard disk,then you just need to use the DVD Shrink to make the compression and burn. Vincent.
@ xaerr0, What ripper did u use to rip the dvd 2 ur HDD? also follow this and u will have a perfect backup This is the combo I use and most are Freeeeeee! 1. DVDFab decrypter(Free) http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm 2.VOBblanker(Free) Not always needed(only when u get a shrink error) http://jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm here is a guide for VobBlanker http://www.dvdr-digest.com/articles/article_vobblanker_page1.html 3. DVD shrink(free) or Nero Recode2(NOT free)just as good if not better 4.Dvd decrypter(free) or IMGburn(free) or Nero Burning Rom(NOT free) here is a guide for the whole combo http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154
alright thanks, I'll try these out, and let you know if they work and 300bowler, I used DVDX Rescue to copy the DVD to my HD
or use clonedvd 2 with anydvd and be done with it in a fraction of the time. you movie probably has the newer copyright protection on it that dvd shrink cant handle being its not updated anymore.heres a guide that may help http://bbmayo.home.comcast.net/