Every movie I have tried to rip with this, when I play htem back they're all choppy and green pixels flying around covering half of the movie. Any help?
I have Nero 7. I haven't even tried burning one yet due to the unplayablility of the files on the computer.
so ur saying that after u rip the movie they wont play on ur pc? u could try cleaning ur dvd drive if that doesnt work u might need to get a new dvdrom/burner. u could try getting dvd43 or anydvd(theres a free trial) then rip with recode and see what u get. this sounds more like a hardware issue than a software.make sure ur firmware is up to date for ur dvd drive too.
No, I ripped the movie with dvdfab. And when I open up the folder and play one of the video files, the file is all corrupted. It plays, but it's all choppy. I had dvd43, but just uninstalled it when I installed anydvd. After I installed any dvd, I tried using nero recode to import the dvd, but I still get the protected disc error and can't do anything with it.
check here ..http://www.firmware.fr.st/... here is another good site... http://support.necsam.com/optical/downloads//FlashFirmware/. by the way u wont need dvd43 or anydvd when using dvdfabdecrypter. use anydvd or dvd43 with nero recode to rip , compress, and burn.
I've had no problem with the free DVDFab Decrypter. Make sure you have the latest as it is updated frequently. I rip to the HD, then I use Shrink to eliminate the unwanted junk, then burn either a DVD-5 or 9, depending upon the movie size and amount of compression I'm willing to live with, using DVD Decrypter or Nero 7. DVDFab Decrypter goes right past the latest Sony Arccos protection, like on Memoirs of a Geisha. I backed up my copy as a DL, no problems.
Ok so what would the latest dvdfab be. I believe im using the Im gunna have to try a different movie when I get up today.
DVDFab Decrypter is up to There is a feature that prompts you to check for updates each time you open it. Suggest you enable it.
What model NEC are you using? If you like you could check out NEC DVD Forum at cdfreaks.com, also for some firmware updates check out http://binflash.cdfreaks.com, it helped me. They are another good forum and works well with this forum. I just use DVD Fab Decrypter, DVDShrink and Nero and it has been working very good for me. I tried adding VobBlanker to see if their was a difference and it didn't seem to change anything. I know alot of people use VobBlanker and their may come a time, I need to use it , but as of now I've done Fun With Dick and Jane, King Kong, Wedding Crashers and about fifty other new titles with FAB, Shrink and Nero, with great results. I do however use Tayio YudenG02 8x media and that helps. I get rid of everthing except main movie, I don't pay attention to the rest anyway and if I want to see it I just watch my original DVD.
sounds like the files need to be Processed through Vob Blanker http://www.videohelp.com/~jsoto/vobblanker.htm
Updated Dvdfab to the latest version, and it took care of the problem. Thanks Olpilot. Now next question...Can I just burn the 4 vts files onto dvd, or is there more that I have to put on there in order for it to work?
open file with nero recode, process and burn.dvdfab copies the whole disc there will be settings in recode so u can make the movie the way u want it before u burn.
Both of those choices are great advice. But you could do what I do and use ANYDVD (current version and Clone DVD2. Both you can get at http://www.slysoft.com/en/anydvd.html, and get a 21 day trail from there. Plus there are always guides here and from wny of the members here as well. Happy backing-up and remeber to always good media like Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim or Maxell made in Japan
Successfully copied just the main movie!!!!!! Ok, so now how come when I try and use Nero to rip the movie, even tho I have anydvd, it still tells me I have a copyrighted disc? I thought anydvd and dvd43 were supposed to strip that crap out???????