I reconfigured my computer this morning. I have a sata hdd and a sata dvd-rw pioneer which I have no problems with. This morning I added a ide hdd (master) and a ide pioneer dvd-rw(slave). When having them set up like that neither one is detected. I tried reversing master and slave and still nothing. The only thing I can get to work is the hdd alone, when adding the dvd-rw upon rebooting neither one is detected again. I've tried a different dvdrom that I have and still no success, any idea what Im doing wrong? btw Im running xp pro. I add these components when my comp is off, should I add them when its on? Im running out of ideas. please help, thanks
the ide channel is disabled in the bios most likely. As the hardware isn't looking for them you need to get in (del or F2 on startup) and make sure they are detected.
Ok, Im not a computer guru but I can get to the bios menu, Ill see if I can find that option and let you know how I make out, thanks alot.
well I tried what you said without changing my config and the hdd was detected. So I shut it down and attached the slave went to the bios menu and both werent listed, the ide master and slave in the bios menu are set to auto detect so Im not sure what the problem is, the only thing I can get to work is the master (hdd). This may be a dumb question but is it not possible to connect a disk drive and a hdd via the same ide cable?
what are the drives actually jumpered as as sounds like both are same instead of different? have you tried another ide cable? what is the make of the ide hd as in wd, maxtor, quantum or seagate?
one detects.. 2 don't.. obviously either a bad jumper setting or a faulty device. The last thing added is what is wrong. On any ide cable you will have 1 master and 1 slave.. you can assign the jumpers randomly as far as position on the cable goes. c/s is so rarely used that's it's pointless.
yes I'm aware of master and slave, I've tried a combination of both and I've also tried another disk drive as both master and slave, guess I'll just have to buy a sata disk drive
Wasting our time *sigh*.. hope the OP never gets a bad problem with their house heating.. will probably spend months looking in completely the wrong place.. like under the car......
to ddp I havent tried another ide cable cause this is the only one that will reach both pieces of hardware, but I had it running two ide disk drives right before I changed to my current config so I know it works. and no its not a dell its a kit I put together asus board with amd dual core etc...
I will do that tomorrow after work and tell you what happens. I think Ive already tried it but cant remember either way Ill let you know the result tomorrow. thanks