I have 3 computers that I back up DVDs with using anydvd/clonedvd2. 2 of them are HPs and I have no problems with them but the other is a toshiba satellite with a matshita DVD-RAM UJ-820S burner. There are very few types/brands of media that I can use when I use anydvd/clonedvd2 but can use allmost anything when I use decrypter/shrink or Xcopy. Both do fine even if I leave anydvd running in the background so Im gussing my problem is with clonedvd2. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks ---cope---
I would suggest it is more likely the Matshita drive. They are not known for their wide compatability with DVD media....
Until my recent problem, I've found my burner is much more particular than Clone is, whether CloneDVD or CloneCD. For my burner, Verbatim DVD+Rs have always been reliable (with maybe a 2% problem rate) I buy them at Sam's in 100-pack spindles for between $25 and $40. (Sam's price wanders on them for some reason) My CD-RW in my puter isn't very picky at all, it'll write to just about anything I throw in it, but my DVD/RW is picky about what it will write to, whether CD-R or DVD+R.
It's the drive! Those drives sux. I had one on one of my laptops - pulled it out and put a brand new NEC burner from Newegg - $80 . I love NEC/Mad Dog burners(they are the best ones for me). I have tried Samsung/Toshiba ,Plextor , Lite-on/Sony , Manshita(i think Panosonic) , LG/Hatachi . I still have 2 NEC's , 1 Mad Dog , 1 LG/hatachi and 1 Sony and they work fine(the NEC/Mad Dog are the Best).
@Pernal .......... sounds like you tried many drive out! Glad to know that NEC (which I heard makes good drives) are putting out great drives.... but I also heard from many other members that LG, Plextor, BenQ put out great drives, too! I'm glad NEC works great for you and it's one drive I will look into when I am in need of another burner. oh, mine is the crappy Philips 8631 that many members replaced it with an NEC drive last year. So far after almost 1400 burns it's still going strong! go figure.
How do I find out what burner will work with my toshiba laptop? I would like a faster one than the 2.4X burner that is giving me problems. Thanks for the input ---cope---