problem with my samsung p241 model

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by donmega07, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. donmega07

    donmega07 Guest

    i use my vso divx to dvd to convert my movies then birn on nero.once done they play well on 2 other dvd,hell it even plays on my playstation 3 ,but when i put the movie in my samsung i just get blinking question it there a way arond this? or a better way to burn so they can play on the samsung.
  2. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    You can try booktyping DVD+R discs, to DVD Rom. This will make them more compatible with standalone players. Here is info on booktyping:

    If the Samsung is a new player, it may never play a burned disc. I've read that Samsung and a couple of other players, are making them so they don't play burned discs, trying to fight piracy.
    Good luck!

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