Ok,i just installed my new 3540A and flashed it with the firmware from the NEC webiste,When i put in a Sony 4x DVD+R DVD Decrypter says the only supported Write Speeds for it are 4x,6x,and 8x,why wont it let me burn to them at 2x,is it a problem with my burner?
If your nec is close to all 3 of my benqs,then the 4x speed should outperform the slower 2x speeds. All my benqs confirm it because I have problems with some of my backups at the 2.4x speed despite using taiyo yuden media. The PIPO scans of dvdinfopro also confirm this with the better scans on faster speeds and my standalones have no trouble with them. These are quality burners,so the 4x burn speed should perform very good.Now sony 4x media I don't see it anymore and it gave me the worst performance,both dash and plus formats.Sony 8x media is very good,and I can get 16x out of both my benq 1620s if I'm not careful. Another thing,dvd decrypter will only allow me the lowest burn speed of 4x,whereas nero allows me 2.4x which I avoid from now on. Any reason why you need to burn at 2x?