My computer won't remember the serial number for longer than one day. It doesn't matter if the computer is left on or not. I am sure the problem is not with Nero but some other software on my machine. I suspect McAfee Anti-Virus, Ad-Aware SE or Window Washer by Webroot. However, I don't know which is the problem or what setting to change. Anyone else having a problem with the serial number?
have you updated... if this is not fixed, try contacting nero, or ask creaky (one of the site moderators) for help, he is very experienced with nero...
i'd subscribed, just not sure what to suggest yet. i did see another similar thread but can't remember the thread title
ITS A CONSPIRACY, AAAAAARGHHHH <!> lol... HEY, HEY, HEY, i am a senior member now, how cool is that...
here's one but not sure if it'll help - i use Mcafee and it wouldn't be that anyhow, and while i don't use Nero 7 (i use 6.x) i doubt this is 7.x specific. try clearing out your temporary internet files. could it be that Window Washer software, that sounds like a likely culprit to me
creaky alkohol kind of hit the nail on the head in the thread you posted. If it is not a legit key Nero seems to look for a new license the next calendar day after the install.