I am having a problem with finding my new hard drive (200GB internal) I have it connected properly but XP home doe not find it can anybody help me please.
1. Does BIOS find it? 2. YOu're going to have to define partitions first before it will be able to be made. A program that might help is Partition Magic 3. After you create the partitions, format them and you are ready to rock
Yes, very first step BIOS must recognise it. If it is in your BIOS then Windows Disk Management should be able to take it from there. 200GB is pretty big - maybe too big for all but the more recent motherboards...? ID your mobo for us Martin, if you can't beat this problem, so we can find out more. Regards
What motherboard does your comptuer have ? As long as the motherboard supports ATA100 (look in the motherboard manual). If it does, the reason would be there is no parition on the drive, therefore wont be assigned a drive letter. Eaisest way to fix that is, Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management. Now down on the left hand side under Storage you should see Disk Management. Click on that. Now on the bottom right hand side you should see both hard drives. It will be broken up into 2 Sections eg -------------------------------- |Disc 0| Useage etc here | |Basic | | |Size | | |Online| | -------------------------------- MAKE SURE YOU SELECT THE CORRECT DRIVE OR YOU COULD LOOSE INFORMATION ON YOUR CURRENT DRIVE. On the New HDD (200G) it will most likely say offine. You have to click on the first section where it will have Disc 1 and then Right-Click and go Inailize. It should now say online. Now click on the 2nd part of the line, and right click. Now go Format. Go through the opinions, it will say NTFS, Volume Name etc. That will take about 2 hours to format, so better to just leave the Comptuer alone while it is doing that. Once it has done, it will be ready to use. Regards CoZZa
Not if you do a quick format, but i always do a Full Format. Full format, may take a little longer, but i would prefer to wait. I just recently formated a 200G HDD, and it took between 1 1/2 - 2 hours to format to NTFS. Regards CoZZa