OK, bought a box for my brother-in-law, flashed it in my house, everything working perfect, brought it up to his house, and it wont pick up any signal, or randomly picks up signal and the stations come through and then go. it doesnt work anywhere in house. got the hubby to go up to the attic and tighten the connections, i changed the arial cable in his bedroom, i tighted it into the connection on the wall, and all no joy. is there anything i can do, would an aerial help? i saw this in aldi and was wondering would it be any use? http://www.aldi.ie/ie/html/offers/2827_9961.htm?WT.mc_id=2009-07-31-12-56 i took the box back to my house, flashed it again, working perfect...till i brought it to his house. so there is defo nothing wrong with the box. anyone any ideas, he really has my head melted over it!!!!!
its the feed coming in thats a problem, is the normal chans ok? you dont say where you are? if he is paying for a subbed box or paying for a service from a provider, ring them and complain that signal is crap.
hiya, without the starview, channels are perfect, he is just subscribing to regular service, no extras. In Dublin north. do you think that plug might help from aldi or not?
Have you any Splitters on your cable ?. If so take them off, and plug a direct feed into the box. Try it then. Make sure you plug the feed into cable input.
the feed is definately in the right place on the box, its randomly getting signal and when it does it picks up some stations...mostly sky premiere and the music channels, no others. there is a button u can press on the remote think its SL and it shows the signal, and when i press it its 0, none at all.
can you plg a different box in to see if that works? If it does and works fine, it could be the tuner on the box
done that already, it doesnt wrok, tried another starview and also a kryptview - same problem, only a few channels coming in, like maybe 10 max!
then its his signal coming in, not the boxs, he needs to contact the provider and advise them that the service has a problem. I take it he is paying for a cable service? Even a basic one? If he is he needs to contact his provider
yeah paying for the basic service. and say what to them seeing as the channels that come through which are being paid for are fine? any suggestions? do you think the booster would help at all also that i mentioned on previous posts?
you shouldnt have to pay for a booster if the signal is crap. Has he a subbed box from the provider? If yes, ring them and tell them the signal is bad and suffering from bad break up, If he hasnt got a subbed box, ring and tell them the reception is crap on the channels, if your paying for the service in any count, your entitled to a good service Lastly, before ya do any of the above, is his pipe split from the source and going to other rooms as ya mention an attic? and did he do it himself? this could be the cause of it also, if its not done right it will weaken the whole set up, you didnt mention removing splitters in any of the above, they need to be removed,