Problems after upgrading to a larger HD

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by evrlast, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. evrlast

    evrlast Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    Hi, recently I softmodded my xbox with the retailHD. Now I have a 320G HD installed. Everything worked fine. But I had only 120G available sow I used XBpartitioner to format the partition to a 320G. The trouble started. Can't play videofiles, when going to programs or games i first get a black screen, press b, go back to programs en only than i can see the normal menu. most games won't play normaly and he doesn't read all my dvd's. before he did all this fine.
    What did I do wrong. I tried it over 5 times and searched the net for answers.
    I hope you guys can help me
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2006
  2. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    try to update get a newer installer that will have a newer bios so it will format it all for you, or go to your settings menu and go thru and find where is says "use F?" then below that it says "Use G?" change both to yes and it should put MOST of it in F then the rest in G, thats what my 160 gig did
  3. evrlast

    evrlast Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    well, i've installed a new mod. everything works.
    but I still can't play halo2 or some other games :s
    is it possible that the hd is the problem?

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