i had a big problem with my comp but it was resoveled with the windows repair option on the windows CD. now after the repair some of my programs such as norten antivirus and my SP2 and even alchol 120% were not working so i reinstalled them now everything works so not i try to back up and copy somp importent data from my comp to my usb drive BUT windows with detect it. it shows that its a mass storage device and all that but it wont let me open it or anything like that i do belive this has happened because of the windows repair and the change in the registry keys so is there a way to fix this and for me to copy my data is there a driver for the usb drive its a kingmax 2.0 its 2gb another problem is that i am not able to do a windows update i keep getting the massage that says that i need to register and download the files that are needed so i do that and after thats done in about 2 min and i do an express download os the updates and it gives me the same massage plz are their ways to get rid of these problems are a windows repair
Sounds like the repair didn't go as planned. Go into Device Manager. Look for Universal Serial Bus controllers. That's your USB drivers. Delete all the drivers and reboot. Windows should see them as new hardware and re-install the drivers automatically. After you get your data copied, I'd format the drive and do a clean install of Windows.
u mean uninstall the drivers rite if i do that i a second they will be beck again i tried that 3 times with rebooting and than letting the computer detect but it keeps saying that its a mass storage device but cant find it in my computer btw i solved my windows update problem i just have to use the autometic update inorder up update any more suggestion in the USB problems... thx
So you're saying that windows detects it but windows explorer won't show it to you?? Go into control panel, performance and maintenance, administrative tools, computer management, storage, disk management At this point you shpould be able to see the drive, right-click on it and select "mark partition as active" See if this works for you.
I have ran into this problem before. There is no problem with your usb 2.0 drives if i t can at least detect i usb device. It is either youre drivers-try rolling them back or updating them- or the usb jump drive you are using has a bad block on it. It means that you somewhere down the line pulled the jump drive out too much while it was still being accessed.(You didnt safely remove it) If all else fails-try repartitioning the jump drive-and then mark it as active. And id that doesnt work go to Start/ Run/ sfc/scannow and that command will fix all windows folders and registry entries and drivers so that you dont have to go through the windows repair again. (WINDOWS REpair sucks) Keep in mind you will need to have the xo cd in the drive or whatever os you have.
ok i see wat u mean but the usb device is not damaged or anything it workd on my laptop fine its just cause of windows repair the regestry is screwed and now i cant update because of it so i cant update the driver cause it needs to update for it to able to get a new driver .
and for wat the massage above urs tells me "Go into control panel, performance and maintenance, administrative tools, computer management, storage, disk management" tehre are 2 options after storage i go to media rite
nvm i see wat ur telling me rite now i am looking at the disk managment and it tells me that i got 2 drives which are my primary and secondery slave drive but how do i give my USB drive a new drive or mark it as active k thx
when you have your usb drive connected, it should show as one of the disks in disk management, and most probably show as inactive. right-click it and make it "active". This worked for me a while ago. Hope this works for you. :-D
alright when i got to the computer management thing i showed that i had 3 drives. 2 of which are harddrives and the last one is the usb drive. but it is already marked active and i was able to explore in it by the explore butten i even changed the path of the latter but still no luck .........
k one more thing i am able to use the usb drive anbd transfer things throught the explore butten in computer managment section but still not able to accases it through my computer now wat i can not get the drive but when i transfer things through computer managment it does let me and it even says the location is G:/ so its all correct but its not in my computer
could this problem be caused because the usb drive is write protected ??? if so how can i accaces the security features of this drive.. cause when i tried to delete things from this drive i got the massage saying that its write protected
omfg i am now not able to put anything inside the drive or take something from the drive because of some write procted problem DAM i am getting really impatient here ANY1 else have ANY other options............ dam i tried everything but now its some write procted theng keeps comming up i dont see the butten on the usb drive saying that this turns off the write proction like in flopies SO how the hell do i turn write protection off thx again
A lot of it sounds like you are not in administrator mode. Try this. Disconnect the drive, then go to the device manager and remove the driver for the device. Reboot without the drive connected. Double check the device manager and make sure the driver did not re-install. Now turn the computer off and connect the drive. When windows boots it will find a new drive and re-install it for you, or if you have the original drivers you may use that. Basically start over with the USB drive. All of you info will remain on the drive. Try that since nothing else has worked.
k i take that beck there is nothign wrong with the drive ..... the windows repairs screwed my regestry up now its not able to dectect any drives so i always have to go in the control panel > adminstrtive tools... and from there open the drive
I think you'll be better off doing a clean install my friend. Save everything you got, format and start fresh...
@ showmethe The device manager is not the control panel. Right clicking My Computer and selecting properties, then you can find the device manager. tranquash could be right but this could also be fixed another way. If you have Spybot Search & Destroy disable it from the tools menu. Then from the dos prompt type fixmbr. This command will fix your master boot record. It may clear up the problem you are having. You can find help on this at this location: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/.../proddocs/en-us/bootcons_fixmbr.mspx?mfr=true Let me know if it is still acting up after you run this.