I've been burning dvds for a long time and never had a problem watching them till now. All of the sudden I started to watch the dvds that I have recently burned and the movies are pixely, sound going in and out, and pausing. Is this my burner not burning good quality movies anymore, or is there something I can do to fix this problem. I have a pacific digital dvd burner 8x. I let a friend borrow a couple movies and he had the same problem. Can this be fixed without getting a new burner. Thanks.
It sounds like the media you used didn't like your burner. Go online and check what your burner recommends for media based on it's latest firmware update. Just because you have a certain media that you have used in the past does not mean that the company that now makes it is one in the same. I have two burners and one likes maxell while the other gives results like you mentioned.
I've went back to play a few of my older movies and so far no problems. I was using imation dvd+r's 4x, never really had problems with them. I just bought a but load of memorex dvd+r 8x and starting having problems. Can this be that my home dvd player reads imation better than memorex. They play in my computer just fine.