Hi all I have experienced problems with the following DVD title "A Bittersweet Life" - Asian gangster movie. This DVD crippled Dvd shrink, Decrypter, DVD Fab Decrypter. Anyboy have any succes with this movie ?
Make sure you are using the latest version of DVDFab Decrypter, you may have to run the VIDEO_TS.IFO through VobBlanker to correct the structure and then encode with DVD Shrink and burn with your favorite burn engine.
Sound advice by LOCOENG. Shrink and DVD Decrypter lost support quite a while back. They can no longer be relied upon to bypass copyright protection as standalone apps. DVDFab Decrypter is a good freeware app, but it doesn't process for compliance like VobBlanker and FixVTS can. Some of the new copyright protections cause compliance errors. AnyDVD is a driver type decryption app that bypasses most copyright protections on the fly. For the more difficult releases AnyDVD also has a ripper which incorporates FixVTS. During the rip to the HD the copyright protection is removed and at the same time the files are being processed for compliance. Shrink is still a decent transcoder. So, all you need to do is get a "cleaned" and compliant source and Shrink should be able to process them for you. All you need to do is burn the output, either automatically with a supported burner or manually using files you recorded to the HDD.
Thanks brobear and as always solid advice from you too. I forgot to add that in order for DVDFab Decrypter to be updated it needs to be uninstalled, the new version downloaded and reinstalled for the changes to take place.
Hi all Thanks for all you advice. I used Dvd Decrypter and played around with the settings. I got a 99% back up error , clicked ok and then DVD decrypter said it was fine. This was in ISO mode. Ran it through Shrink and presto, Job done. DVD Fab Decypter experienced problems with this movie too strangely enough as it usually gets the job done.
Sounds like it may be a defective disc issue as DVDFab Decrypter should handle most of the new movies as is it still being updated to keep up with the demand.
Hi LOCOENG No, the disc was fine. I'm sure it has something to do with the structure of the disc as DVD shrink couldn't even see the main movie. DVD Fab Decrypter is very good but its not perfect either
Locoeng is right, sounds like a dodgy disc to me as well. You can't see flaws in a press that can cause a faulty read. Was a read scan done to check the disc for bad sectors? When you entered ok with Decrypter, you probably just skipped the problem. Software that doesn't have the skip or ignore feature will often get stuck on bad sectors. It must have been fairly easy copyright protection for DVD Decrypter to handle alone. Decrypter is obsolete and won't process the newer Arccoss, Ripguard, Puppetlock protections by itself. The best overall tool I've seen is AnyDVD, but it isn't freeware such as we've been discussing here. At present, the best freeware I'm aware of is DVDFab Decrypter (though it isn't as good as the obsolete DVD Decrypter for processing problem discs).
I have never had/experienced any movies/dvds that DVDFAB Decrypter can not ripped. Yes, it is true that very few movies/dvds can be successfully ripped into the hard drive via DVDFAB Decrypter and still has other fake structural, fake pgc or dummy cells, thus it's giving DVD Shrink or Nero Recode 2 a hard times when transcoding. However, you can post process the already ripped "VIDEO_TS.IFO" file through VobBlanker or FixVTS and it should be able to fix those "structural" flawlessly. Here is a guide "DVDFAB Decrypter + VobBlanker" http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154 if you're interested or needed. Furthermore, VobBlanker can easily "blank out" any unwanted junks i.e. FBI Warnings, ratings screens/logos, previews/trailers, etc. Good luck and happy burning.
I'm still curious what a read scan would show. Just clicking ok with DVD decrypter wouldn't solve compliance issues that I'm aware of. I'm not aware of a lot though. LOL Alkohol is right about the compliance issues, FixVTS or VobBlanker can handle those when they occur. AnyDVD has a ripper now that incorporates the FixVTS. There's a trial for it at http://www.slysoft.com/ , you can use it for a few weeks to see if you want it.
It sure would be nice if we could get a log with DVDFab like DVD Decrypter's...I like to see what's going on behind the scenes while I'm ripping. It would also be handy for posting.