Problems creating Wireless connection to PS3

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by 5fdpfan, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. 5fdpfan

    5fdpfan Member

    Jan 21, 2008
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    I have the Gateway 2Wire Wreless Router and Modem and am unable to establish a connection with my PS3. I have AT&T DSL service, am using a Windows PC and my PC is about 30 feet away from my computer in a TV stand facing the wall which has a hole in the back for the wires to go through, if this info helps at all. I do the following steps.
    1. Click on Internet Connection Settings and click "yes" when it tells me that I perform the Internet Connection Settings the system will disconnect.
    2. I choose "Easy Connection Method" and wait for it to configure network configurations.
    3. I choose wireless for the type of connection
    4. Where it says WLAN Settings I click "SCan".
    5. On this screen I find my router with a percentage of signal strength and click on it. Following that screen I see my SSID Number which I"ve typed in many times before and click the right direction button.
    6. Next, on the WLAN Security Settings Page I type in my Encryption Key or WEP Key.
    7. After typing in the key I push the right direction button and it tells me it's checking network configurations.
    8. The next screen is the IP Address settings screen and I can pick from "Automatic", "Manual" or "PPPoE"(what ever that last one is.
    9. When I choose Automatic I'm taken to the DHCP Host name page where I chose "Do Not Use.
    10. For DNS I chose Manual and type in my Primary and Secondary addresses which I believe to be correct.
    11. I click automatic for MTU, Do Not Use for Proxy Server and enable for UPnP
    which I also have no idea what it means.
    12. I view my settings list and move on to the next page where I Test Connection. After about 20 seconds or so it says "Attempts to obain IP Address FAiled, timed out. I don't know if this is a firewall issue or if my Playstation is just too far away from my computer(which I doubt is the case cause it listed different siganl strengths for different connections that it found. If I go for the manual connection it asks for lots of diferent IP Addresses and router address or both DNS addresses, I get no response once I finish typing them in and am forced to give it all up and start over again.
  2. psplvanub

    psplvanub Guest

    DNS Automatic... problem sorted.
  3. 5fdpfan

    5fdpfan Member

    Jan 21, 2008
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    If I do the automatic DNS then it fails to obtain my IP Address. Otherwise, it is able to obtain my Ip Address but Internet Connection fails. It says an error occurred during communication with the server. This is a DNS error (8071012) I went to my router's website to try and open a TCP and UDP port but the port numbers that Sony gave me are way too long as I'm only allowed 8 digits for each. Either my router just isn't compatable with this service or these are some *bleep* numbers that I have in which case I don't know what to do about it. Here is what they gave me.
    UDP 3478-3479365810070
    TCP 80443522310070-10080
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2008
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    5fdpfan - Foul language removed, let's keep it off the forums in future.
  5. 5fdpfan

    5fdpfan Member

    Jan 21, 2008
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    sorry about that

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