I've downloaded PVAStrumento and I haven't been able to demux a single file yet. I keep getting errors and errors. I've tried several files and I never finish the process. Take a look at this one for instance It stayed like that for more than 10 minutes, weird huh? By the way, how long should it take the whole process?
Did you let it run to completion? There could be something seriously wrong with that mpeg...try it on another file. Try downloading and reinstalling PVAS again. What's the source mpg? A capture, a download, or ?
hi Jim! Long time no see you... were you on holidays? back to the matter, I'm trying to demux a VOB file of Matrix (which consists of several individual VOBs). I've tried it several times but it never took less than 2 hours and always found out of sync on the very first frame!!!
Try demuxing to elementary streams in ReJig (file mode). PVAS sometimes has trouble with AC3, which could be the cause of your errors (it simply can't find an audio stream to demux).
Thanks as usual Jim, sound is Dolby AC3. So then PVAStrumento only for stereo, not Dolby? Will ReJig keep sync also? Once ago I think it was you who mentioned that ReJig was a good alternative if your movie was in NTSC (which this is the case) but I cannot recall which one you suggested to use if it was PAL... Thanks! Oh, almost forgetting! Tried to install Cuttermaran also, but says it needs some strange Windows app. I do not have. Could be possible? I've read the MPEG2-schnitt could be an alternative also???
Schnitt is too full of bugs. Cuttermaran only requires dotnet 1.1 (get it at microsoft, free). PVAS only handles 2 channel audio, and unless you definitely have the AC3 codec/decoder installed, it will choke (can vdubmod play the file?) Give rejig a try.
What is dotnet 1.1? Does it have any other purpose apart for Cuttermaran? I'm not certain about having the AC3 codec installed. It does not appear on the Control Panel. Yes, I can watch the VOB with VirtualDubMod perfectly well.
Dotnet is a Microsoft thing, allowing certain apps to be run in windows. Look it up on the MS site. Do you have the AC3 decoder installed? (This is why I think PVAS is choking). The other thing...if the disk is copy protected, PVAS is hanging because of it.
I have ripped everything to the Hard Drive, that's where PVAS is reading. The AC3 decoder doesn't show up on the control panel. Although I've got installed the huge codec pack of 23 Mb, is it included there?
I have no idea! Only you would know if you installed it. Try removing that huge, unnecessary, bloated codec pack, and installing only what you need. Google for AC3 filter, and download and install it.
you mean to uninstall the k-lite codec pack? isn't that pack supposed to contain every codec you need? also the AC3 codec?
It only installs what you tell it to, and it also contains codecs that can conflict with other versions you may have installed. It's not a magical, play-everything-no-matter-what, program. Uninstall it. Open some of your avi's in Gspot, and see what codecs are needed. Reinstall, using the custom option, and make absolutely sure you are ONLY installing what you need, and that you're not installing multiple versions of something. If you downloaded and installed a version of XviD or DivX from somewhere else, the K-lite pack can totally mess it up. The same applies to MP3 decoders, if you already have LAME, don't install it from K-lite as well. Dont' install Elcard as well as LAME (they don't play well together), etc... Basically, if you don't know what you're doing when installing the k-lite pack, you can actually do more harm than good. This applies to AC3 as well. Multiple versions of the decoder can conflict, resulting in flaky AC3 decoding.
Okay... didn't know that... I'm gonna do as you say and uninstall it and then install what's required. For more info, the computer had a clean Win XP SP-2 install and no previous codecs.
XP-SP2 installs codecs. Overwriting, or getting multiple installs of some of them, may be the problem. FWIW, 99% of users have trouble with the k-lite pack, even on clean installs.
Usually, some extra ones don't hurt. DivX and Xvid are usually safe, but the k-lite pack overwrites all the microsoft mpeg-4 (avi) codecs, as well as a few others (the originals are all in SP2, which includes WMP9 (or 10), and all it's codecs).