Hi there, I am trying to flash my xecuter 2.2 pro with the newest evox bios using X2BM. The program erases my bios and then goes through 100% flashing the new image. At the point when it starts to verify it gives me this error: "VERIFICATION FAILED AT 000070: READ [00] EXPECTING [OF]" I have read everywhere and all I can come up with is maybe my 6 foot cable is too long and I should use a 2 or 3 foot cable? Can anyone verify this or maybe know what else could be wrong? I will try the shorted cable but I wondered if you experts had any ideas, thanks.
There was no bius on it previously, it was a brand new modchip...Anyway it worked fine, I found out that X2BM doesn't even need to verify it erased and flashed to 100% and that was fine. The cable apparently doesn't matter how long it is.
Can you please tell me the website and the software you used to falsh your BIOS. I'm having trouble finding what I'm supposed to do.
Look i used X2BM to flash my x2.2 I always get that verfaction error. But it stills get flashed. Try to turn on your xbox with your chip on. Try color bios to see if it worked. That will change the X logo. Or if used X2 4977 bios you should see x-ectuar under the X logo.
Can someone please send me a hacked BIOS for xecuter 2.2 lite. Pleaseeeee !!!! [bold]enyce41@cox.net[/bold]
Thanks Zero-X I figured that out. I tried the different colour and even with the verification error it worked great and now I am all set up. Thanks for the responses. enyce41 ---> search google, go to www.filemirrors.com or search IRC or newsgroups and you will be able to find the latest version of the Exov bios.
The Evolutionx homepage is: http://www.valholl.org/ You should be looking for the file: EvolutionX Beta Build 1.8.3285 This includes the dashboard and the latest bios.
Does the Evox 2.6 bios support new games without patching. If it doesn't, I'd reccomend the X2 4977 bios, which can be had from Xbins or any of the other usual places...
I'm happy 4 you Ayanda. I wish someone told me what i tpld u. I flashed my chip over 20 times before i gave up and turned on my xbox and found out my chip did get flashed.
When I put in the cd. I get a message saying "no bios found..halting" Does that mean my media can be wrong or are the files not right?
enyce41 i wish i could help but sorry flashing by cd didn't work 4 me. I know it does work but not 4 me. It's been covered hunderds of times. Search for it and hoplfully you'll find your answer.