Problems installing my Matrix modchip

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Colombo, Jun 23, 2003.

  1. Colombo

    Colombo Member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    I am having a really bad nightmare with my Xbox. I bought a Matrix Modchip thinking it would be easy to install but I can not get it to work. I flashed the chip with EveX V3.6 bin file and installed the chip correctly following the instructions. I get the green led fow few times and then red flashing on mode 1. As I have a V1.1 box I heard you only see the green led flashing few times. I am pretty sure my chip is installed correctly but when I select the mode 2 the Matrix led stays on and the led on eject button of the Xbox flashes green and red and I get nothing on my screen. Can anyone help please?
  2. Dank

    Dank Regular member

    Jan 22, 2003
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    sounds Like an alignment issue... and i use the d6 eject fix bios as well.. i dont think i have even heard of the bios ur talking about but anyways its an alignment issue i would believe.
  3. Colombo

    Colombo Member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    Sorry it was a typo error. It should be EvoX V3.6. I now have downloaded Is this the one you are using Dank?
    I still don't think it is an alignment issue cos, the led on the Matrix flashes correctly.
  4. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    with a 1.1 you cna have the correct LED's flashing and there still can be an alignment problem. i also agree with dank, use the D6 blue eject fix bios. i have had great luck with it.
  5. bigdan

    bigdan Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Since your using the red bios the best way to tell if your chip is aligned is to hook the box up to your T.V. and turn it on. If the Xbox logo is red everything is O.K. if the logo is the normal green then the chip is not aligned. Hope this helps.
  6. Free_911

    Free_911 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    The version 1.1 Xbox is pretty tricky. A lot of Matrix distributors are no longer selling the Matrix chip due to the number of problems people have been having with a 1.1 xbox. I myself have had problems, but after doing a bit of research, I got it to work.

    First, you need to remove the lacquer coating from the g-spot on your motherboard. This coating makes it difficult for your chip to create a solid connection with your motherboard. I simply dipped a mechanical pencil in some alcohol(using alocohol was recommended by numerous sites, just be sure to have your xbox unplugged) and scraped the lacquer coating away until the g-spot was nice and shiny. Once that's done, try it now. Its definitely a good idea to use a coloured bios, as it indicates when you are using a hacked vs. original bios. You have to also realize that the lights on the matrix are not much of help. I didn't even bother putting the chip in mode 1. What I did was put it in mode 3, powered it on and fiddled with the chip until I got a solid green light. I also noticed that there was a regular green light and a very bright green light when trying to line-up the chip properly. The very bright green light is what you are NOT looking for. Once you have a solid green light, power off the xbox and power back on. Things should be good by then. If after awhile, you still can't get it to work, you can do some soldering, which I can explain if you are still having problems. Let me know the outcome. I was once like you having problems with the chip, but I am now a proud owner of a hacked box.
  7. nickdv9

    nickdv9 Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    just a couple things to try- first, try the X2 bios, because that eliminates having to patch the games, and use a colored one like Free_911 suggested. With my matrix chip, i actually loosened the mobo mounting screws around where the chip was to be placed (not much, just a little). This gives the board a slight amount of give and might allow better connections. hope this helps.
  8. .NRG

    .NRG Regular member

    Mar 17, 2003
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    Speaking of which sounds like a issue I had with a matrix from hell! I tried all bios's thinking I programmed it wrong but to no luck. I had the green light and still had nothing. I just pitched the chip and went with a x2l. All solved.

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