hi i had heard that the xbox motherboard v 1.6 gives a lotta problems when modded is it true .pls reply
yeah the 1.6 and 1.6b are "intentionally broken" by microsoft. but all is not lost! the xenium spice is an awsome solderless modchip and one of the best. it can be used on all xbox versions! btw, im going to be getting a xenium spice for free so if you want to get one you can IM me and i can tell you. AIM: NintendoBT
If you have "REALLY" good soldering skills you can get the Xecuter 3ce I have one and love it. I bought it before the Spice came out. But the board as a whole isn't troublesome you just need someone who can solder thats all. The Spice seems like a good chip and I've heard that smartLxx is coming out with a solderless one as well.
No not at all-I've never had a problem with mine. It just seems that once $MS changed the design of the box alot of people had problems soldering in chips. So again if you can solder I would go with the Xecuter if you can't and are handy with tools then the Spice is good because its solderless.