Problems playing copied DVD's

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by daygoes, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. daygoes

    daygoes Guest

    I have managed to backup a few DVD's and always check that they play by trying them on my Panasonic DMR-E50 recorder and have no problems whatsoever, however when trying the discs in my friends recorder Panasonic DMR-E55 they will not play at all the recorder displays NO READ. Have also tried in other friends players with about a 50% success rate. I use DVD Shrink to backup. Help apprecciated. Thankyou.
  2. dialysis1

    dialysis1 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    What brand of discs are you using?

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Depending on which format discs you are using, DVD-R or DVD+R, may have an impact on the readability in different set top players. While your player may accept the format you are using your buddies player may not. For older players DVD-R seem to give the highest degree of compatability, however, if your burner is capable of booktyping DVD+R's, that would be the way to go. When you booktype DVD+R's you are tricking the player into thinking it is reading a DVD-ROM(store bought movie).
  4. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Your friends panasonic dmr-E55 is what you call a picky player. You get a no disc error,which means it does not like that certain format of your backups there can be a number of causes-that give that error:

    1)Media quality: Make sure you use quality media
    2) Burn engine
    3) Format-switch to the opposite format,make sure it is quality stuff-no generic crap.
    4) They can even be sensitive to certain burners.They may like the dash format off of a buddy's burner,but not the dash format off your burner.

    Weird stuff happens when it comes to stand alone players reading dvd backups.

    Booktyping your plus format media to dvd-rom like LOCOENG posted usually takes care of that issue if it is format related.

    Not all burners support this booktyping capability.Booktyping gives you 3 formats to pow around with when it comes to stand alone compatability. Plus/Dash/and booktyped dvd-rom.

    What is the brand name and model# of your dvd-rw drive?

    What is the Brand name/format/and speed rate of your blank media? Actual MID could would help if you have neroinfotool or dvd decrypter.

    What burn program do you use?
  5. ChrisLA

    ChrisLA Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    Try burning at a slower speed. I have a DVD burner capable of 16x burning, but if I burn at that speed my DVD players skip some times. Now I record at 8x speed and both of my DVD players accept it fine using the same media and same method of burning.
  6. daygoes

    daygoes Guest

    I use DVD-R discs Verbatim 8X 4.7GB. My DVD burner is an LG GSA-4167B Multi format DVD. I sometimes use DVD Decryptor or DVD Shrink or AnyDVD with CloneDVD but still the same prob. What is booktyping?

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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  8. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Most LG dvd-rw drives have the ability to booktype the plus format to dvd-rom. I'm not sure if you need a separate utility for this. I do know dvd decrypter has a setting to set booktyping for LG drives.

    Only the plus format can be booktyped to dvd-rom.

    I set mine-go to Mode ISO write mode:Look to the small folder icon on the lower right of the screen. Click on it and the next page will show tabs with Benq/Nutech/Lite-on/LG/plextor/and Ricoh.

    Click on the LG tab
    Change for: Dvd +r
    Current setting:may say unknown or dvd+r
    New setting:Make it dvd-rom
    click change/small window pops up for success/ok
    Then OK again.

    If decrypter won't allow you to booktype-it may be grayed out,that current setting may also say unknown or dvd+r.

    Dvd shrink also has a box in the backup options that says Booktype to dvd rom. You'll see this when you click the Backup tab/and click Burn options tab. Make sure there is a checkmark in the box that says Booktype to Dvd-rom. It works on some drives,but not all booktyping capable drives.

    I've got benqs so I use qsuite to set my booktyping. I don't know a whole lot about LG drives,just know that they have the booktyping capability. Lite-on uses a special utility,and so does plextor. Nero may be able to set the booktype as well. Not sure about clonedvd.

    Get some quality plus format media and try to set that LG drive to booktype. Higher compatability rate for booktyped backups,as apposed to dash or plus only. It should take care of that no disc error.
  9. daygoes

    daygoes Guest

    Thanks saugmon, will try that and thanks to all for advice.
  10. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Booktyping actually gives you a third format option. You should have plus and dash capability. With booktyping,it's like you have dvd-rom capability as well.

    What is the model# of that LG drive?

    What is the current firmware version of it?
  11. daygoes

    daygoes Guest

    Sorry all about the delay, been on hols.

    Took all advice on board, am using AnyDVD along with CloneDVD2 and using DVDInfo to change booktype to DVD-Rom and having a huge success rate for compatibility.

    Many Thanks.

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