no because svcd uses a different resolution than vcd, but you can try and burn it as a non-standard vcd with nero so you wont have to re-encode but it might not playback on your dvd player. you'll have to re-encode to vcd if that doesnt work or just try your luck and see if your dvd player can playback svcds goodluck
You could also do a search for VCD header trick. That makes it possible to trick many players into playing an SVCD when they only support VCD. I've never tried it myself, but it's supposed to work with many (maybe most) players that play VCDs. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue DVD Rebuilder Guides:[/small]
ahhh yeah i forgot about that 1 good point that might work with your dvd-player you should try that as well. guide: