I have a pioneer dvr110 D in a sony vaio vgcrc210g, when i click to install firmware 1.41 a box pops up and says odd firmware update utility 2.33I, Available target not found, it also done it when I tried to update to 1.39
Did you remenber to disable any antvirus software? Do that and try it. If it still won't install, try downloading the firmware again. Might be a bad download. Most firmware updates need to be pointed to the proper drive to flash. Don't forget to choose the drive to update.
I only updated my firmware once. I downloaded it and just installed.... it will know the drive to update! It can't update other drives, only the one it's supposed to be intended for.
I have 3 drives on my machine. Had to use a "pull down" to select the proper drive to flash. The fool thing could have tried to flash the wrong one (all different brands) if I didn't tell it which one. I suppose other brands could react differently (smarter?).
Every company has its own methods to allow you to do a firmware upgrade. I guess your firmware update had to be shown which drive with a pull down menu. That's the way that company did it's update. When I updated my Philips 8631 to the GD30 firmware it didn't need to be shown which drive to do. It knew that one was an LG DVD/CD drive and the other was my Philips and it did the firmware upgrade perfectly without being shown which one to do. So I guess it's the manufacturer's method of firmware flashing.
There is a drop down menu but it doesn't give any options but the destination folder which is already there, It gives me the option to choose where the destination goes.
See if there is a f/w update for your drive on the sony vaio homepage. Some computer company's use their own f/w for drives that come in their systems. Always be sure you select the correct drive in the dropdown menu when flashing. It is possible although rare to flash the wrong drive, rendering it dead.
do ye members want a little program that will tell ye in a heart beat what is the current firmware is on each cd-rom,dvd-rom and dvd burner on your system...? its called WININQUIRY.........if ye do want the program pm me..