Problems w/ Glory Road, Underworld:Evolution, and Firewall

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by lanep82, Jun 8, 2006.

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  1. lanep82

    lanep82 Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    Hello. I am a new poster to this site and hope I can get my problem resolved. I am having problems 'backing up' the 3 above titles. I am trying to copy them two different ways. I have tried using my desktop burner along w/ my laptop burner.

    I have AnyDVD v., CloneDVD v. Both of these programs are all I have used in the past and have had none to minimal problems copying dvd's.

    My desktop drive is a Memorex 16x +/- DVD-/+RW. and I have a NEC_something on my laptop.

    I am using DVD+R verbatim recordable media.

    Ok, now for the problems. On my desktop, the same thing happens w/ all three movies. Whenever it is in the processing stage (copying th data onto my hard drive), the thing freezes @ like 10% or so and I have to reboot my machine. The little light on the DVD drive also goes out which means I know there is nothing going on w/ the drive, its idle.

    For my laptop....The movie processes 100% fine onto my hard drive and whenever I go put the blank media in, it says that there is something wrong with the media. I know this isn't true b/c the media is fine.....its worked many times before. ALSO, sometimes, the media WILL record to 100% on any of the given titles above that I am trying. However, when the process is finished, it shows the disk as being empty still!! When I put the disk into a dvd player, it also shows the dvd is being blank.....and this is after the recording process shows 100% completed and I eject the media.

    Any help w/ this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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  3. tjedwards

    tjedwards Regular member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    give dvdfab express a shot, i have done all 3 of these movies using dvdfab express, running through vobBlanker and then using dvdshrink. all three of these programs are free and available at the AD software page.
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