I unfortunally lost my Jurassic Park DVD last week due to irreparable damage to the surface of the DVD. Now I am trying to cut my losses and make sure this wont happen in the future with the dearest items in my collection. In the process of backing up Lost Worlds - Jurassic Park 2, I ran into copy protection problem in only one VOB file. The main movie Vob, which is in VTS 6, specifically the apparent protected sectors are in VTS_06_2.Vob (Specifically only cells 14 and 16 of the main movie appeared to be protected. But these are movie cells with over 15 min of material that needs to be kept) As far as I know, generally, copy protection or encryption is not in movie cells. Therefore, I was surprised. I've tried burning the movie without these 2 cels and everything worked, unfortunately thse 2 cells are necessary. I've tried renting a different DVD and found the same consistent problem. Hence it has to be some kind of protection i am not aware of. It is not a Sony DVD, it is not consistent with ARCoos. It is not even a new DVD for that matter, DVD Decrypter should be able to crack it. However, I have tried DVD Shrink, DVD Decripter, DVD Fab, and all of the above while running DVD43. Nothing has worked. When running DVD Shrink I get a cyclic reduncancy check. DVD Fab simply freezes. DVD Decripter gives me errors "Failed to Read Sector" on sectors severall sectors. Anyone has any ideas? Perhaps some kind of structure protection? Or something of the sort? Thank you!!!
Get AnyDVD for free and try it for 20 days. You can try cloneDVD also from the same service/company-slysoft. AnyDVD with DVD shrink running in the background should work for most DVD downloading and then burn with DVD Decrypter. CloneDVD2 with anyDVD with do the same process. You can download AnyDVD in less than a minute and it works great. Hope it works for you.
un-install dvd43 you don't need it. All you nedd is DVDFab Decrypter to rip the movie to your HDD then Shrink to compress and Imgburn to burn or nero. If you ran dvd43 while DVDFab Decrypter was running they would conflict, that is why it froze. If you take CPTfish advice you must un-install dvd43 as they will conflict. Anydvd will have no problems with this movie same as DVDFab Decrypter. Give your disc a good clean and check for scratches. anydvd and DVDFab Decrypter can be downloaded by clicking on the links in my sig
DVD Shrink and AnyDVD are two seperate programs. They will [bold]not[/bold] work if on the same computer at the same time (they conflict with each other). I suggest your uninstall DVD43 completely and try AnyDVD. Using DVDDecrypter, did you try making an ISO of the entire disc and then shrinking the ISO with DVD Shrink? We need to know a little more of the exact steps you used.
just do this download ripit4me; fixvts; dvdshrink; dvddecrypter; then run it through as i stated and you will have no problems from that movie! unless you have a bad disc my movie driven was like that bad copy of the disc took it back got another backed up fine, kept killing me on vob #4 in every program you might have bad media ciao
You can download Ripit4me here along with an excellent guide by arnibear. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/360110
I'm more than sure that there are no special protection or encryptions on Jurasic Park 2..... it's an old DVD now. Hollywood would not work that hard to put new encryptions on old movies especially when they have HD-DVDs and Blue-Ray DVDs coming out for those old movies! soooooooo I suspect that JBL_USA had a media problem in the same area that he described.... I ripped it no prob with DVDDecrypter , used DVDRB and burned to an RW just fine without problems.
I use anydvd running alongside of DVDFAB decrypter then burn with 1click DVD copy 4.1.... never been beat (yet) I'm sure Jurassic would be no problem.
Hi! I use DvdFabDecrypter, DvdShrink and Nero, this has copied everything I own, old and new. Except for Nero, everything is free. Good Luck.
i did (Lost Worlds - Jurassic Park II) with clonedvd and any dvd beta.. with out a problem...using {get this,windows 2000 sp-4} it has never seen a windows update or a virus program or the internet............
First of all. DVD is perfectly clean. I ran Decrypter, Fab, and Shirnk with and without DVD 43, and then with and without AnyDVD. In all attempts with all programs had failures in the same VOB file down to the cell, down to the sector. Furthermore, I already tried all of this using 3 different disks and on 4 different computers. The problem has been consistent. It cannot be a scrach. It has to be some kind of protection. Had the same result in every single attempt. That is why I posted this question in the first place. Now, I have tried running DVD Fab and it will never go pass 67%. DVD Decrypter in File, IFO, or ISO modes finds problems in the same sectors. Some of you said you had sucess coping this disk. I am not being so lucky. I will try Rob 1026's ripit4me approach as it is the only suggestion i have not yet tried. I will get back at you guys after trying that. Has onyone actually backuped Jurassic Park 2 with any of these free programs?
To use DVD Decrypter in conjunction with AnyDVD as stated by Olli -> Proceed to the DVD Decrypter Opening Page - Tools - Settings I/O Tab - Click on "Elby CDIO-Elaborate Bytes" General Tab - un-check "Check For Structure Protection"
Like I already said. I exchanged the movie disk 3 times already. And I have the newest AnyDVD. I am currently tryign the ripit4me method. It got passed the problem, the question is.. will the movie actually work? We'll see. I will let you know
It's very strange that this DVD is protected. I think it might be a bad press. But in any case, you can try ripit4me, it has worked on all my tests so far... When done ripping (if it does do the trick) it will tell you if your DVD appears to be scratched, or if the cell that can't be ripped is actuallly protected... jeanl