I don't know if anybody has had this problem ? I Jtagged the eurovox box and loaded the firmware. Everything was fine then we had a power cut and the box went back to standby and I could not get any response.I then tried to download the firmware and the box started working again. Then we had another power cut and same problem again.Is there anything I can do to stop this or will I just have to live with it. Any help appreciated thanks
Hi, we have had a power cut today and now our box will not turn on, is there anything we can do apart from order another one and get a surge protector. Thank you in advance for your help
Use a UPS ( uninteruptable power supply ) i use one on my pc b'cos we always get power cuts, sick of losing all work when power goes off. mine gives me around 10 minutes to save work & shut down properly til the power is back on. i got it years ago from maplins, cost about £40 i think - well worth it ;-) * They have built in surge protectors so your killing 2 birds with one stone *
You can try what I do and that is everytime the box does not respond I connect it to the computer and download the firmware again and it seems to work fine after that.