I am having problems making copies of discs. I believe it is the media that I am using. In the past I used Verbatim DVD-R 8X (Part # 94985 non advanced azo) and I could burn at almost 100% accuracy. I then bought some Office Depot 16X discs and they burned fine for awhile and then I started having problems with them. I then decided to purchase some Verbatim 16X Advanced Azo disc (Part # 95058) and I am having problems getting them to burn. I am using a Plextor 716-A dual layer burner. The burner is a about a year and a half old and it has burned quite a few movies. Can the burner be going bad? I am using Anydvd and CloneDVD2 (both latest versions). When the movie is through copying and ready to burn to disc, clone DVD prompts me to insert a recordable disc. When I do this, it will not recognize the Office Depot and the Verbatim 16X discs. It will however recognize the older Verbatim 8X not advanced azo discs. Any suggestions?
Check to see that your firmware is current...it was last updated Oct. of 2005 according to RPC1. This may help your drive see the new media. Plextors and Verbatims are top of the line, so unless your drive is going out this should be a hell of a pair. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1974
I have a 716a Plex, and it has no problems with the 16x Verbs. As LOCOENG stated check and make sure your fw is current, should be ver. 1.09.
I updated to the new 1.09 firmware and I am still having the same problem. The burner just keeps trying to read the disc but does not recognize it. It only recognizes the old Verbatim 8X disc. Any new suggestions before I buy a new burner? If I have to purchase a new burner, what do y'all suggest? Thanks
I read somewhere and can't think of where just offhand, that the average lifespan of a burner is about 18 months or 1000 burns. Plextor burners, although expensive, seem to have a shorter lifespan. Yours should have no problems with the media, but I know my Plextor for some reason seems to have a problem with Sony media, sometimes it will burn it at 4x and sometimes 8x. Do you have your PlexTools running, if so try turning of the PowerRec and AutoStrategy and see if this makes any difference. Also, Nero will default and turn on PowerRec, it knows the drive has it, make sure you check under your drive options and turn this off.
Do you have Nero? If not try Nero Burning Rom here: http://www.afterdawn.com/software/cdr_software/cdr_applications/nero.cfm Try a burn with either the 16X or the 8X discs and post the log here. Nero 7 history log location: Program Files>Nero>Nero 7>Core>NeroHistory.txt Here is a guide if you do not know how to use it: http://www.burningbits.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2528 EDIT: You are too quick Pete, maybe I should leave this one to you as I know nothing of Plexy's other than they are excellent in all areas.
In your PlexTools just choose drive settings and then uncheck the PowerRec and AutoStrategy. You may also want to try flashing back to a previous version of fw and then reflashing to the latest to see if that works. Other than that if it will not recognize these disks, then all you can do is stay with those that do work, although eventually 8x will probably be phased out. You can try the Fuji 16x my Plextors like these also, have not had any problem with them. You can also try uninstalling the drive in the device mgr and then reinstalling, maybe this will give it a kick.
The PowerRec and the AutoStategy were not checked. How do you uninstall and reinstall the drive? The burner still burns CD's with no problem. Is there another laser that burns DVD's?
Yes there are two lasers, have you tried blowing some canned air into the burner and cleaning the laser. Can you still burn the 8x media, because if you can then the burner is still working. One of the symptoms of a dying burner is only being able to burn CD's and not DVD's or visa versa. Also check and make sure your DMA is enabled for your drives, it probably is but you need to check, and if it is not then enable it. Here is a guide that shows how http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/checking DMA.pdf
I went to device manager and uninstalled the drive. I can't find it now in device manager. How do I reinstall it?
I rebooted and Xp found the burner. Thanks. I went to the device manager and I clicked on the IDE/ATAPI tab and then double clicked on Primary IDE Channel. I did not get an Advanced Settings tab. I only have the following tabs available: General, Drive, Details, and Resources. How do I check the to see if DMA is enabaled?
Thanks, I will give it a try. If all of this does not work, can you suggest a very good DVD burner. I need one that will burn all formats including double layer. Thanks
A BenQ 1650 or 1655, very good burners. Try http://www.newegg.com best place I know to get one, the prices are reasonable.
The BenQ DW1655 is on sale this weekend for $38.99 with free shipping. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827101006 Better hurry times almost up....LOL