Problems with DVD ripepd video to ipod

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by davidw89, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. davidw89

    davidw89 Member

    Jun 27, 2005
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    I used xilosoft dvd (licenced, registered) to rip liek 3 dvd, 2 being chiesne and one being into the blue. Then when i aply it on my ipod they al lhave similair problem, liek every20-30 sec the move freezes for liek 5 sec or mreo then pops up with no sound for 10 sec unelss i fast forward or something. This is really really pissy becasue i hate movies being pasued when iam watching

    is this a bug from xilosoft or something

    my ipod has plenty of spce and its a 60gb..wats going on
  2. dkmopq

    dkmopq Guest

    Adjust frame rate to 29.97, 25 and rip again.
    Are you using firmwire 1.1? Apple's firmware 1.1 upgrade for iPod have affected third party iPod converter software running on iPod (normally on 60G). That is, iPod video freezing, no audio, etc.

    Try to update to 1.1.1 or downgrade. If it still doesn't work, check the guide in my sign.
  3. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    If you do wish to downgrade, here's the skinny..

    [bold]QU 27 - "How Do I downgrade my iPod's firmware from Version 1.1 to version 1.0?"[/bold]

    The iPod Updater [bold]2006-01-10[/bold] (Firmware v1.1) has served us up some real problems. The most notable being video playback issues with videos transcoded with third-party applications.

    To remedy this problem, you will need to downgrade your iPod to version 1.0 (Updater 2005-11-17). To do so, you need to follow this guide..

    Alternatively, you can just download the v1.0 firmware here;


    ..And update your iPod using it -- but please note that this method erases your iPod's data, and depending on the amount of media you have and the speed of your computer/usb port, it could take a long while -- possibly a whole day.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2006

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