I have a problem when I have Haali Media Splitter installed. Although the Media Splitter itself seems to be working OK, if I have HMS installed, I have an "explorer.exe" Win32 exception occur whenever I select a high-definition .mpg file. If I uninstall Haali Media Splitter, the win32 exception disappears, but then I can't play any high definition content in any of my media players. Also, if I try running graphedit while HMS is not installed, it says that the file can't be played. Does anybody know what is going on?
Here's a guess - Uninstall HMS and reinstall without selecting the shell extensions through the install options.
Thanks for the suggestion, davexnet - I reinstalled without the shell extensions, and it didn't seem to make a difference.
What kind of file is it that HMS is getting involved? I thought it was only for MKV? What are the steps to to re-create the problem ?