Problems with my DVD burner, bad drivers???

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by MRAB54, Aug 30, 2006.

  1. MRAB54

    MRAB54 Member

    Aug 30, 2006
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    My sisters dvd burner gives the error "illegal disc" at exactly 4 minutes everytime while trying to burn. I've tried her burner in my computer and it works just fine, put my working burner in her computer and I get the same error and coaster.

    Something else to note, when I first turn on my sisters computer w/ my burner it says "New Hardware: CD drive" or something like that, not acknowledging it is a DVD drive. Also, when I go to properties on the drive it says it is type: CD drive.

    I've updated the firmware on her and my burner but since both are working on my computer that should pretty much rule out a defect in the actual hardware.

    Any help would be great as I'm leaving for school Friday so I really need to get this fixed for her!
  2. MRAB54

    MRAB54 Member

    Aug 30, 2006
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    Well, thanks for the replies :/ but I found a fix to this so I am posting this in case others have the problem.

    Someone else had this problem and it is caused by installing nero AFTER you install music match jukebox v. 10. I uninstalled both, used nero cleaner, reinstalled nero and the burner works. I did not try to reinstall musicmatch so I dont know if the order in which you install those programs matters or just that they are conflicting no matter what. The drive affected was a lite-on.
  3. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    DON'T reinstall musicmatch . i didnt have the same problem but musicmatch was confliting with my other programs. so i uninstalled it

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