problems with my tv

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by net800, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. net800

    net800 Guest

    thanx for reading this
    hello i have a mitshubishi 64inch medallion, i have had it for 3years,
    never had a problem till now. when i try to see a movie or tv on it, the image bends sometimes its and some times it gose bad can anyone help me thank u
  2. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Since its a CRT rear-projection tv I would bet the tubes are just mis-aligning. Its normal and happens on all CRT projectors. The problem is you need a trained proffesional to come to your house and fix the problem. If this type of thing is under warrenty then great but if its not then if might cost you a little. But since this is a Mitshubishi Diamond tv where talling about any price should be worth it.

  3. net800

    net800 Guest

    ok thank u for your help

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