Hi Peeps Got a problem with a newly built pc. Specs are as follows mobo nvidia 680i sli CPU intel core due extreme GPU nvidia 8800 gtx Hard drive`s 4x western dig 500g total 1tb Ram 4 gig O/S vista ult 32 bit PC was fine for a few weeks until i noticed the mouse was sometimes jumping about like it had a virus. Virus scan came up neg. Then last night whilst on the internet the screen froze and the colours went light. computer stopped responding to any input. Done a hard restart which resulted in the system hanging during the boot on a plain black screen. got the system started in safe mode. Safe mode very very slow. Vista started to check the hard drives by its self when i attempted a reboot. Vista couldn`t complete the checks so i suspected a dodgy drive. replaced all drives with known good drives and attempted to reinstall vista. vista started to install but very very very slowly and couldn`t complete install as it hanged again. I`m suspecting a buggered mobo. Anyone have any ideas`s?
Failed S-ATA controller probably, that's very common with 680i motherboards, they're very poor. Either replace the motherboard with another, and risk getting the same problem again in the future, or get an Intel chipset based board like an EP35-DS3R and risk having to reinstall windows (you might not have to, but there's the distinct possibility of it) - Intel chipsets don't have any issues running nvidia graphics cards, but can't run SLI.
thanks man. i dont run sli anyway. Could do with not having to replace the board, though. cant realy afford