the program seems to work fine but only with short videos, like music videos. any video file larger than 6 minutes will get cut off at aprrox 6 minutes every time??? WTH would cause this?? because of this i have only been able to convert smaller video files like music videos to my new 60gig ipod. what do i need to do to conver bigger files??
The Pq trial version can only convert 5-minute videos. You have to purchase the registration code to record the whole files.
As i said in the tutorial's thread . When you turn on pqdvd it should ask you to purchase the full version if it does then you don't have the full version.
It has never asked me to buy, so i guess its the full version. what would make this happen on the full version??
When you're freind gave you the full version did he ever enter a serial key while putting it on you're computer?
their was never a serial key just a registration key that we added to the programs directory. never once after that has it asked for a serial # or money.