Can someone help me please ! I live in the west of ireland, and originally bought the Box which worked flawlessly in Dublin for sometime on a Digital line (NTL Service Provider). I transfered it to a Analogue Feed in Galway (West Ireland) and had trouble getting it to find channels. i eventually got it working primarily using Manual Scan. The Box then worked ok sometimes, and terrible at other times. its performance has deteriorated over the last 6 weeks to be completely un-useable now. it has all the channels stored correctly and attempts to show them but the image pixelates, the sound is snappy, and it constantly freezes. it works okay on more minor channels such as rte 1, sky news etc, but premium channels suffer. I am running "thebox_Ireland_H20070705_450eE_api.bin"... is this a problem with Analogue feed rather than Digital ?? there is adequate signal strength availible so i don't reckon its that.. Can someone help ?? Thanks