Ok, so heres the problem. I'm helping my friend upgrade his xbox's HDD From the original. yes, the hard drive is lockable, i have the same model in my xbox. The dash is softmodded already, so i had the eeprom and XboxHDM all set up. i ran HDM, ceated the new hard drive, made the C, E, and F drive, all successfully. Afterwards, i locked the hard drive using the eeprom i grabbed from the eeprom backup tool on the old hard drive. The lock was successful, but when i put the hard drive in the xbox and booted it, i got error 6. error 6 is a problem with unlocking the hard drive. (NOTE: the box is not hard-modded, so we need the drive to lock/unlock in order to boot.) since that didn't work, i expected the eeprom key was wrong. so i whipped up config magic with the old Hard drive, and the eeprom pass was different than the one in the file used. so i decided to try to lock the hard drive with the key from config magic, but i still got error six. in config magic, it also showed that i had no online key, and no hard drive key, plus no serial number or Xbox Confounder(?). They all were strings of zero's in Config magic. I have a picture of it here... This xbox was previously owned by a very irresponsible person, not to point any fingers *cough* arcder23 *cough*. this NAMELESS person decided to make it fun to delete the c drive from the Box. miraculously it still worked... somehow. okay.. if anyone can help, please reply to this ASAP. -Mario612 and friend (not the irresponsible one)
Hey, it's actually my Xbox. Here's what we did, just in case someone wanted to know. First, I cloned mario612's 40GB HDD to my 40 HDD and locked it with the password you see above. Then, I went back to the 8GiG and removed the softmod using the MechAssault save trick. Then I reinstalled it on the same drive. This time, I got the correct info in Config magic. So, I backed up my eeprom, and wrote it to a cd with XboxHDM. Then I put my 40GiG in my computer and booted it from CD. Then I locked it with the new password using "lockhd -a" and then I cloned my 8GiG onto the 40GiG and put it in my xbox. Then, it worked perfectly!