I am having a problem with programming the chip. i have the bios. i just cant get it to detect the chip. it says no chip detecting. i tried using a serial cable at first. then i tried plugging the chip in directly that didnt work. Im wondering if anyone is having/had the same problem. Ive come up with one scenario. That ribbon that feeds to the back of the gamecube is so short. I might have bent it too much where it wont read. The ps2 eject switches use that same cable and if you bend them to much they wont work. I also want to add that the gamecube powers on fine and still boots originals. If anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated.
i have never had a problem with the cables in all of my installs, but is suppose this is possible. Two other things you may want to try would be 1st make sure that your cables have been plugged in firmly with the BLUE PART Faceing up, 2nd, try it on another computer, my friends pc will not allow him to program the chip for some reason.
Ok I finally got the viper loader to detect the chip and I flashed it with the Cobra bios. I now have another question. First of all how to you load burned games. And are you supposed to rename .gcm to .iso and burn. Also do they directly boot or is there some time of swap needed still. Reason im asking I have a game that was .gcm I renamed it to .iso and I burned it too a DVD-R I left the cover off so I could load it and nothing happens.
you don't have to swap with the cobra 1.2, this problem could be many things. first off, .gcm would have to be renamed to .iso, secondly many of these rips off the internet do not work (many are missing files etc.) third, it could be your media, try different brands and try dvd+r, I've modded many cubes and most of the ones i have modded seem to like dvd+r's better. Fourth, When you first install your chip you should see a menu for the viper when you turn on the cube with nothing in it/ if this viper menu does not appear are you able to boot originals still. You just might have a corrupted BIOS if not. Hope all of this helps. Good luck.
When I cut it on it goes to the cobra screen and i can still launch originals from there. I downloaded another game, it was already in .iso format. This time I burned it to DVD+R and it still didnt work. How can I rip my own game with the viper chip and try it myself. And what media are you using exactly? I have some printable RITEK DVD+R im gonna try next.
you need to find the gcos ripper plugin for the cobra bios, then use a bba with a crossover cable to link between your pc and the cube. their are tutorials online that tell you how to do this (search google). I use memorex dvd+r and have never had a problem.