Program didn't work on my computer

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by alexaegrl, Jul 26, 2004.

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  1. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    Burned the two programs for burning dvd's. Very grateful. Definitely did something - took lot's of room - but didn't work for burning. Have memorex/nero, and when went to burn image the file opened empty, and found nothing, though when I looked through my computer there it was, but i couldn't figure it out to burn, so I deleted the program. AThanks for the effort of providing this though.
  2. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    wow you give up quick.
    What programs did you try?I find it hard to believe, that you have the one computer, that cant burn dvd's.
    How about coming back and giving us a little detail on what you did right, and or, wrong.
    We like to make success stories,we dislike failure stories.
  3. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Providing what?

    Jim's right ... You need to tell us more.

    Along with what programs you tried, can you provide your system specs(O/S, processor, RAM, HD, free HD space, #of optical drives)? Also post the steps you used?
  4. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    Well thanks much. I got the shrink and decrypter programs, which I'm very grateful for, but I like to be active and have been around the house all day being lazy, and don't really have the mind for figuring this stuff out on my own, and don't have any good geek friends right now (no in sult in tended at all), so I'm at a loss. When I went to burn images, and went to the file, instead of opening the file into the spot for burning, into the window, it just said video_ts and nothing happened, does that make sense? These things just aren't very user friendly. In the time I've spent trying to get this for free I could have paid 39.95 at least 3 times, if not 12 times. Have had terrible luck with spending maybe 40 absulutely fruitless hours attempting to set up wireless internet, and just gave up on a brand new lite on cd burner, all because they had insructions instead of a wizard, and instrutions came out in gibberish code. It's always something, and I never can get it resolved no matter what I do, or how long I wait on hold...
  5. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    hi alexaegrl

    I wasnt insulted by that geek crack(sniff sniff)lol

    try these guides for dvd shrink,built for the newbie

    this one is for doing the whole disc:

    this one is for reauthor,when the disc needs alot of shrinking:

    heres one for dvd decrypter:

    heres on that shows you how to burn with nero:

    these guides are animated and very easy to follow just sit back and watch.Pay attention to the nero guide as that seems to be where your getting stuck.
    good luck and welcome to the club
  6. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Since guessing is never fun. Can you start from the beginning? The steps you used for Shrink and Decrypter? I mean, how did you end up the the image? Sounds like your using Nero to burn, right? You know DVD Decrypter will burn ISO's. And in Nero, when you click burn image, when the window opens and it's blank ... where it says "files of type", click that can choose all files. Then look for your folder where your images are. <- Hope that made sense.
  7. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    thanikso mucho jim, trying again. hard to explain original way that i couldn't do it, and what does ISO mean? haha, I know nathing!
  8. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    Lot's of problems so far. 1: the page in the tutorial is inaccessible to me. I have memorex. Am trying to figure it out anyway. 2: Go to open disk, select d drive, and then it jmust sits there and doesn't shrink anything. When I go to copy disk on the nero that I do have, as this sounds like the option that should make it do what i want, which is to copy a disk, it says, fusk you, this is copyrighted, nice try.
  9. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    Also, the shrink won't just open, it wants to reinstall itself every time you look at it, no matter which desktopn icon you click on and it doesn't notice that it is already there. lastly, it offers no way to shrink or do anything at all when you do get it open. Once, I got it to do something, but I don't remember how, and then it just want to do it again anyway.
  10. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    Sorry not too pos, just can't get it at all!!
  11. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    Oh yes, and, tho there may be the answer at the bottom of the shrink box thing, which I just got to open again, it is so long you can't see the bottom of it, and it is immobile, so I can;t see.
  12. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Can you answer this? If not are you at least running XP, Windows 2000 or NT? If yes, open my computer -> right click your local disk -> choose properties .... does it say NTFS for the file system?

    I've only got [bold]one[/bold] Shrink icon. How many do you have?
  13. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    I've figured out the icon thing but still can't do anything with it. I've got 2k pro, somewhere around 19,000,000 whatever kind of units of memory, or free space, and the other questions I wouldn't know how to find out
  14. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    [bold]What file system are you using[/bold]
  15. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

  16. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Why don't you go through this whole thread and when your done, tell me what file system your using on Windows 2000 Pro.
  17. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    Perhaps I will just ask this one last person in the morning b4 I give up and take back the burner. See, I would like this to work, but I do not know what a file system is/means and do not intend to start becoming a computer person. I am, for certain, not someone who, perse, has put in anywhere near the time to be one - it is not my destiny to do so, so, if someone who does thinks I don't deserve to know how to have a dvd burner, by all means, don't worry about it, I'll just keep renting movies like the rest of the dumkopfens who feel that computers are not use4r friendly for a reason (profit!) and are not well suited to fighting with them. I am a nature person - I would love to break my fucked up compyuter into 500 pieces. So, if helping me succeed is something you enjoy doing, great, but I have no emotional or spiritiual commitment to thinking that understanding this stuff matters in any way other than to get cheaper movies, which I feel justified in doing for man y reasons. If you want to spell it out for me great, but I don't feel good about haivng sat in the house all day on my day off trying to do this, especially when I feel guilty about it, and didn't get any exercise!
  18. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    Incidentally, my anticipation that no one really wants to spell it out for me or anyone is why I give up on things like this so quickly in the first place, i've been here all day and haven't copied any movies at all, and the best part is, I knew it was going to be like this b/c it always is. Writing e-mails is as far as I get, and usually have a hard enough time doing simple things, like buying stuff, because no one cares to make things that work, since it's not as profitable
  19. alexaegrl

    alexaegrl Guest

    oh, and now that the movie is reanalysing itself, as I couldn't get around haivng done it already (which it actually achknowledged this time) has taken around an hour instead of 5 minutes like it did the first time. It's getting worse, I must go running b4 i start breaking things!
  20. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    If your referring to me, just say so!!!!

    That's a great idea, wouldn't recycling you pc be better???

    Can you read?

    You've got a really poor attitude. I am trying to help. Check my post I did [bold]SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU[/BOLD]. Do I have to put it in bold?

    And since you can't take my advice to re-read this thread, maybe cause your lazy ... I'll tell you. Look at my third (#3) post. I did explain how to check your file system. The reason I want to know is because to burn an ISO image successfully, your file system needs to be NTFS. Because the file is over 4GB's and FAT32 can't handle that size of file. So once your tell me it's NTFS ... I can give you steps to use Shrink and Decrypter.
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