Anyone know of software that will act like your stand alone dvd player, when you add the .vob files, they get played back to how the dvd(standalone) would actually play it. So i could check for sync errors etc.. Also whilst on the subject, a program that gives you information on what resoultion to use (which best suites PAL or NTSC).. Im sorry for having to ask, i would use google! But i've had many troubles with dvds recently i would prefer someone who understood what i needed exactly and could give me the correct information/program.. Cheers again, Dan
Welcome to AD fellow burner. There are many, Cyberlink PowerDVD, WinDVD to name a few. I use PowerDVD exclusively for viewing movie files or DVDs on pc. PAL (Phase Alternating Line) TV standard was introduced in the early 1960's in Europe. It has better resolution than in NTSC, having 625 lines/frame, but the framerate is slightly lower, being 25 frames/sec. NTSC runs on 525 lines/frame and it's vertical frequency is 60Hz. NTSC's framerate is 29,97 frames/sec. As to what software(s) is best for NTSC or PAL respectively is a matter open to debate and personal preference.
Cheers for your help.. I'll just stay with my media viewers (video lan/media player).. they seem to be okay up to now thanks Danbhn
Following YOBUZZB line of advice (which I concur with 100%) I'd stick to PowerDVD because it's so simple to open your "ready to burn" project on the Hard Drive.