How do i get programs like dothalo, Main Menu Editor, Vehicle Barriers, or Death Zone Editor onto my Xbox?
you dont put them on ur xbox, silly rabbit, u put them on ur comp, get the maps from ur xbox (make a folder for the modded maps and the original maps), mod the maps u want then FTP them to ur xbox again..... this doesnt work with the old maps unless u alrdy have the on ur xbox hard drive
lol that silly rabbit thing made me laugh....and you will need to mod your xbox if it isnt already....
Yeah, yall are gonna have to help me out w/this modding thing, i'm pretty new to it and don't know how to get to the maps or even know what FTP is
here is a tutorial on hwo to softmod How to Softmod! **With Pics**! Tells how to get on XBL too!
thanks for the tutorial thread but that's what i've already used. My xbox is already modded, i just need to know how to run the programs and what im supposed to do with them.
cause whenever i try to run the programs, my computer says "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application." can someone please help me?