I can't use DVD Decrypter to decrypt my zone 1 DVD. It's a double layer disc, with some kind of protection. It plays in stand-alone DVD player, but not in my computer. The DVD drive has been flashed to be zone-free (driveinfo tells it's free), but it doesn't read this drive, however. Starting DVD Decrypt would give I/O error, Interpretation: "Check condition", CDB: A3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 C1 00, Interpretation: "Send key", Sense area.... Invalid field in CDB. Then "Drive authentication Failed! Reason: Failed to send Challenge key" I tried different options in CSS tab in properties, with no success. DVD decrypter is latest 3.2.3 version.
I am sorry, I mean, even though the drive had been flashed, it doesn't read the DVD DISC. WinDVD doesn't play this film and Decrypter + Shrink stumble on it. The stand-alone (SHINCO) player plays this film well. My friend, who has a Linux box, could use transcode to decode the VOBs, too.
Yes, it's an original disc. I don't have problems with other discs, but they are mostly coded as multizone discs This disc also has another pecuriality - one side is double-layer, with 8+ gigs, second side has 3+ gigs of bonuses.
I was afraid that I will be an outlaw by writing the movie title, but this is Fiddler on the Roof, 2001 special edition with bonuses.
well, 1) You don't have a problem with other discs 2) You've tried to rip with Decrypter, Shrink and SmartRipper ... all unsuccessful I'm sure it's the disc.
By the way, the disc has a folder beside VIDEO_TS, a JACKET folder with some .mp2 files within. Maybe they are used for decryption. I don't know why a stand-alone (not computer) player has no problem. Also, Linux transcode decodes the disc. I don't have Linux at my home machine at this moment. But my friend had success with it.
Also, I must confess, once, after switching parameters (like Brute force, then IO...) in CSS tab of Decrypter and pressing F5 (repeated this many times), it could read the DVD. But only once. I could not reproduce this. So the problem remains for me. There must be some explanation. I can't solve problems by this kind of magic