ps2 eumulator

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by cearel, Jun 23, 2006.

  1. cearel

    cearel Guest

    is there a ps2 emulator??? i have aid 3.0 and it was loaded with emu's but i dont know whats what is there a playstaion emu??
  2. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    There is a low grade PS1 emulator. But there is no PS2 emulator. In fact there is only one PS2 emulator even in existence on the PC that can only sort of pretend to run about five games, it doesn't work on your computer, your computer isn't good enough. I garauntee this. It's not anything against you or your computer, so please don't get me wrong. The fact of the matter is that someone ran this on a server with dual AMD Athlon 64 4300's running over 3.6 Ghz eachth 64 bit processing and four gb of system ram, not to mention dual SLI cards, and the framerate of FFX pushed up just past 17 frames per second. Which is far from playable.

    This is why I so easily say no. There is not a PS2 emulator for the XBox. And there never will be. It is too much to emulate for that system. Maybe someday, someone will write one that works on the 360. Maybe someday. For now, there isn't even one on the PC. It is not yet programmed.

    I'm sorry if that comes across harsh, please understand that this is a rumor that resurfaces often, and generally speaking, a lot of people respond with "No, I've seen it!" I've become very tired of this. There is no playable PS2 emulator. There will never be one on the original XBox(Hardware just isn't present for that kind of power), and there may never be one on the 360, but that's still unknown.
  3. cearel

    cearel Guest

    huh interesting thanks for taking the time to write all that now i know. Is there some were that tells what emu's are for what and how to get roms??
  4. DrKePhRiM

    DrKePhRiM Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    that would be pretty cool.........but im sure sony would not like it one bit
  5. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Well, roms can be found almost anywhere that has illegitimate files, which means that telling you where to get them isn't going to happen by forum rules, but I can tell you all about the emulators; I've used them a lot for old favorite games, and it saves me some shelf space being able to put my old school systems on the shelf, while still being able to play them.

    -Surreal is for N64. If you turn all the settings way down, almost every game made for the system runs flawlessly. There are a couple exceptions, but this is always the case.
    -Xsnes9x is a highly reccomendable SNES emulator with lots of graphical options to balance the gameplay between graphical smoothing and high performance.
    -xsms will run old sega master system and game gear roms, which are tiny, so you can get a lot of these titles onto a very minimal amount of space. Back in the day, I got backups of my game gear games, put all of them onto a floppy disc, and brought them to school to play when teachers werent looking.... Good times.
    -PCSXBox(Or PCXBox) is a PS1 emulator. At this time, it does not have what anyone would call the 'largest support library' and games must be in .iso format in a specific folder to be used. Honestly, I got tired of support issues, and gave up on this one. But it is supposed to work fairly well. IMO it would be best if someone just made a port of CVS or Bleem, because I feel that they worked so much better, and at least Connectix could run EVERYTHING. But I'm not here to bomb on the current efforts of the PCSXBOX crew, who has made a lot of effort themselves.

    There are a lot of others, but these are some of the major ones, and what they do. There is also Xnes and XPCE, an NES emu and a Turbographix 16 emu. They have no technical issues whatsoever, so if looking for that era of games, I highly reccomend them.

    There is a ScummVM emulator port out there, perfect for when you're craving 'Sam and Max', 'Day of the Tentacle', or 'The Dig'. Now if only I could find a way to get Grimm Fandango on there... I'd be set.
  6. cearel

    cearel Guest

    Thanks again this is just what i wanted to know. What do you mean by turning all the settings down for surreal?? Yea i already know were to get roms the hard part for me is knowing which platform is for each emu anyways thanks again.
  7. Dfram

    Dfram Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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  8. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Great link Dfram, that will help them out a lot.

    As for the settings, in the surreal menu, you can hit x for settings, I suggest turning setting point on, instead of an kind of default AA, anistropic, etc. Also, change the sound from Jttl to the standard sound driver. Things will run so much faster and smoother like this. The real issue is that the XBox's 64mb of ram just isn't enough to really do most of these games on the fly with graphical boosts, especially since the 64 was so very heavy on mixing a lot of animated sprites with 3d graphics, it has been kind of an anomoly as to how Nintendo's original architecture did so well at it. But when you turn off the enhancements, almost everything runs well. Perfect Dark is kind of sluggish, I haven't tested Goldeneye, but a LOT of others work flawlessly at slightly increased resolutions. Overall, I'm very pleased with it.
  9. cearel

    cearel Guest

    thanks sereal works great now i went to that site and they had emu's under ps2 are these for the pc??
  10. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Yes, and they are far from complete. They are barely in a working state for a small grouping of titles on extremely high end machines that don't mind seeing framerates drop down to about 1-2fps. But they are, by all technical means PS2 emulators...

    Anyways, I'm glad to be of assistance on surreal, I wish someone had pointed that info out to me in the first place, I would've used it a lot more to begin with.

    Well, I hope your questions were answered, you can always repost if you need more info.
  11. backupguy

    backupguy Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    even if someone did download a ps2 emu, it would be a huge file to download and i wouldn't recommend you download it at all, because it may crash your computer if it turns out to be too much for it.
  12. cearel

    cearel Guest

    i have another question i have all the southpark games on surreal and none work but all my other roms work what would cause this????

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    posts made in the safety valve do not count. LOL NICE
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2006
  13. tbukdahl

    tbukdahl Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    I have the xport of Dosbox, but, how do I freakin' use it? :-(
    nothing responds when I load it up, it just sits there with the command line, blinking!?!
  14. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Dosbox, I haven't used, but I would assume you need a keyboard plugged in to use it. I will be researching this shortly, because I have a use for it now. Do you happen to know if it supports Dos4Gw applications? I've got a couple old games I've been craving; Warcraft 1 and possibly two(I can't remember how dos 2 was or wasn't) and Mechwarrior 2(The first GOOD 3D shooter game). I'm not sure if DOSbox could run them, but I am eager to find out.

    As for cereal's issue. I haven't tested the shooter game, so I don't know on it. Chef's Shack doesn't load up, because it is too intensive on 2 dimensional sprite effects, and modern consoles aren't very good for that sort of rendering anymore. As for rally, I ran it, with some graphical errors, but a good framerate. Honestly, I didn't play it long, because it just didn't seem very good. I will test the shooter game tonight, and inform you of my results. If rally isn't working at all, then make sure that all graphical settings in surreal are turned completely down.
  15. tbukdahl

    tbukdahl Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    I know the games you mentioned works, since I've played them in DOSBOX on the pc, thou via a frontend, but still, they work.
    On the xport vers. however, I don't know.

    Regarding my problem, I do have both a mouse and keyboard connected, but, no response.
    It's one of the first Microsoft ergonomical keyboards, don't know if that's why!?!
  16. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Is it a USB device natively, or are you using an adapter. And by ergonomical, a few things can be meant, is this one of those split in half keyboards for each hand?

    I ask, because while they *shouldn't* sometimes they do need special drivers.

    Also, what are you using to connect them to the XBox?
  17. tbukdahl

    tbukdahl Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Well, even thou I have 2 USB ports in my front, just right of the LCD screen, I actually use the SmartJoy FRAG keyboard and mouse adapter.

    Go to this link to look at it

    Regarding the keyboard, yup, it's one of those Microsoft ones, that are kind of "ripped apart" in the middle, to "...give a maximum soothing effect" for each hand :-D

    Actually found it right here

    The mouse is an old one, but resembles something like this, only, it's
    with a chord, it has a button at the bottom left side, 2 at the top, a scroll wheel which can be pressed, as well, but it's NOT this one, only looks like it, nearly :-D

    Does that have anything to say, maybe?????
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2006
  18. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Yeah, I know what those are. There's a slim chance that it may need it's own set drivers, or it may be because you're running them through an extra adapter. Sometimes that causes problems, I know of the smartjoy frag, supposed to be a very nice piece of hardware. My best guess though, is that DOSbox can't work in conjunction with it. And that's probably the reason you're having problems.

    I'm guessing the the keyboard, by default, is not usb. If it's not, I would suggest going down to your nearest pc parts store, and just picking up a ten dollar black cheapo USB keyboard. With how little your xbox is going to need it, it's a more than viable solution.

    If your keyboard *is* usb already (Without an adapter) or if you get the ten dollar cheapo; try wiring it directly in to an xbox port plug. It requires some basic soldering skills, but other than that, just match up the colors of the wires inside, the XBox end will have one extra, that's okay.

    Hope that helps.
  19. tbukdahl

    tbukdahl Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    hmm... only one problem... I've never tried soldering :-D

    Isn't it possible to get one of those xbox plug-->USB converters... wouldn't those work ?????

    I know, I know... I'm being a pain in the.... :-D
  20. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Well, the converter would work fine, it does the same thing as soldering would. Just make sure that it is a simple, straightline converter. If it changes any functions (Like the smartjoy does) DOSbox will probably not know what to do with the signal.

    So, one more time, if it is a straight xbox to USB adapter, with no other converters, it will work.

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