Hi I was wondering if there is anyway that I can connect my PS2 to my computer? Since I do not have a TV in my room but I do have a computer I cannot play PS2 in my room. And since I have no room in my room I cant place a TV in here. So if there is anyway that I can connect a PS2 to my computer I would be grateful. I have a TV input card and Composite input slots (red,white,and yellow). I would prfer to use the the composite slots. I have tried connecting the PS2 throught the composite ports but I have not found any software to allow me to play the games. I would be grateful to be able to connect the PS2 to the computer. THANK YOu for your help.
You should be able to do it no problem if you have a video card that allows for composite inputs. I don't know what software you would need - what kind of card are you using? If you want better quality, you might consider upgrading to monster cables with S-Video and getting a capture card that has S-Video input. Just my two cents...
hey, I have a hauppage (i think i spelled it correctly) video card. And I do also have a S-video input but then I would only be a ble to connect the video but not have sound. Thanks for your reply but it still doesnt really answer my question. Is there any programs I could use?