Ps4 is coming out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by game1032, Jun 24, 2006.

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  1. game1032

    game1032 Guest

    Who is gamepig??
  2. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    thats it,i is going to the pub to do some serous drinking..i think i will drink a whole bottle of irish whiskey..
    with this guy

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2006

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Everyone you meet appears to have tentacles growing out of places that you wouldn't expect tentacles to be growing from.

    You start out each morning with a 30-minute jog around the bathroom.

    You write to your mother in Germany every week, even though she sends you mail from Iowa asking why you never write.

    Every time you see a street sign, you have a tremendous urge to relieve yourself on it.

    You wear your boxers on your head because you heard it will ward of evil dandruff spirits.

    You're always having to apologize to your next door neighbour for setting fire to his lawn decorations.

    Every commercial you hear on the radio reminds you of death.

    People stay away from you whenever they hear you howl.

    Your breath smells more and more like squirrel dung each passing day.

    Nobody listens to you anymore, because they can't understand you through that scuba mask.

    You begin to stop and consider all of the blades of grass you've stepped on as a child, and worry that their ancestors are going to one day seek revenge.

    You have meaningful conversations with your toaster.

    Your father pretends you don't exist, just to play along with your little illusion.

    You collect dead windowsill flies.

    Every time the phone rings, you shout, "Hey! An angel just got its wings!"

    You like cats. Especially with mayo.

    You cry at the end of every episode of Gilligan's Island because they weren't rescued.

    You put tennis balls in the microwave to see if they'll hatch.

    You have a predominant fear of fabric softener.

    Your dentist asks you why each individual tooth has your name etched on it, and you tell him it's for security reasons.

    Melba toast excites you.

    When the waiter asks for your order, you ask to go into another room to tell him because "the napkins have ears."

    You tend to agree with everything your mother's dead uncle tells you.

    You argue with yourself about which is better, to be eaten by a koala or to be loved by an infectious disease.

    You like to sit in cornfields for prolonged periods of time, and pretend that you're a stalk.

    You try to make a list of the Warning Signs of Insanity. (cough)

    People offer you help, but you unfortunately interpret this as a violation of your rights as a boysenberry.

    You keep thinking this is the year for the Red Sox.

    You despise the voices in your head, especially the one that speaks only Hindi.

    You see migrating flocks of ducks in the fall and only your attachment to the toaster keeps you from joining them.

    The person you always talk to is invisible to everyone but you.

    You like reading lists like this.

    And what meaning do you expect your delusionally self-important statements of unknowing, inexperienced opinion to have with us? What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desertrat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake?

    On a good day you're a half-wit. You remind me of drool. You are deficient in all that lends character. You have the personality of wallpaper. You are dankand filthy. You are asinine and benighted. You are the source of all unpleasantness. You spread misery and sorrow wherever you go.

    Why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance?

    Do you have to leave so soon? I was about to poison the tea.

    You are living proof of reincarnation. No one could possibly get to be so stupid in just one lifetime.

    You used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now you are just the opposite. You are obnoxious and arrogant.

    At your speed, you'd better not stop your mouth too fast or your teeth will fly through your cranium.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    approaching thunder getting closer!!
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