psp wwe raw vs smackdown HELP ME PROBLEMS!

Discussion in 'Sony phones' started by simbadda, Aug 12, 2006.

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  1. simbadda

    simbadda Guest

    okay I got a full version of raw vs smackdown 2006, but I don't really care about the entrance movies thats why I want to ripped them off until its about 700mb then making it a cso file that whould become 500mb....

    But the problem is how do i ripped the movies???how do i rebuild the iso?? can anyone give me a step by step walkthrough on this..sorry for being a noob
  2. xxmodxx

    xxmodxx Guest

    did re do the hypotenus to the exclavier to reboot before it spontaneouly combusts into a thousand blue silo flames?
  3. Thandakid

    Thandakid Member

    Aug 7, 2006
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    download ciso compresor and then decompress the ISO
    hope this works
  4. simbadda

    simbadda Guest

    umm yeha i know the compressor thing but i want to know how to ripped the iso...coz I never ripped an iso b4, which makes me a noob here
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